Předmět: Impacts of Globalization on the Developing Countries

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Název předmětu Impacts of Globalization on the Developing Countries
Kód předmětu KEK/IDC-E
Organizační forma výuky Přednáška + Seminář
Úroveň předmětu Magisterský
Rok studia nespecifikován
Semestr Letní
Počet ECTS kreditů 6
Vyučovací jazyk Čeština, Angličtina
Statut předmětu nespecifikováno
Způsob výuky eLearning
Studijní praxe Nejedná se o pracovní stáž
Doporučené volitelné součásti programu Není
  • Kocourek Aleš, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Obsah předmětu
1. Classifications of the developing countries, differentiation of the developing world, emerging markets, newly industrialized countries, least-developed countries, land-locked countries, small island developing states, etc. 2. Theories of developing economies: theories of vicious circles, Myrdal approach to development, Marxist, neoclassical, and Keynesian theories of growth and development. 3. Sectoral analysis of developing economies: role of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector, similarities and differences in the developing world. 4. Raw-material exporters: specifics of agricultural producing countries, specifics of mineral-resource exporting countries, specifics of oil exporting economies, role of OPEC, Dutch disease. 5. Newly industrialized countries and emerging markets: industrialization, tertiarization, catching-up, import substitution, export determination. 6. Least developed countries, heavily indebted poor countries, development aid and development cooperation. 7. International movement of goods and services: North-South international trade, South-South international trade, barriers to trade, influence of WTO and bilateral FTAs. 8. International movement of labour: major global migration routes, impacts of migration in the developing countries. 9. International movement of capital: main source and destination countries, impacts on the labour markets and growth in the developing economies. 10. International institutions and development banks, G-20, economic integration within the developing world.

Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Monologický výklad (přednáška, prezentace, vysvětlování), Dialogické metody (diskuze, rozhovor, brainstorming), Prezentace práce studentů
  • Kontaktní výuka - 30 hodin za semestr
  • Příprava na souhrnný test - 30 hodin za semestr
  • Domácí příprava na výuku - 30 hodin za semestr
Výstupy z učení
The course is strongly synthetic as it combines the knowledge of the world economy, globalization and integration processes, economic policies, macroeconomics, and microeconomics. Thus, students gain a complex picture of the role and position of the developing countries in the globalized world. They learn how the external influences affect the situation in the developing economies and realize how the developing countries enforce their interests in the interdependent world economy.
Students obtain knowledge in given course in accordance with requirements and course programme.
Knowledge of the world economy and international economics in the range of bachelor studies, knowledge of the macroeconomic theory in the range of master studies.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Písemná zkouška, Prezentace skupinové práce

Elaboration of a case study & presentation of its findings at the seminar. Written test
Doporučená literatura
  • NAYYAR, Deepak. Developing Countries in the World Economy: The Future in the Past?. Helsinki, Finnland, 2009. ISBN 9789292302177.
  • PERKINS, Dwight H., Steven RADELET, David L. LINDAUER, and Steven A. BLOCK. Economics of Development. London, UK, 2012. ISBN 9780393114959.
  • RITZER, George and Zeynep ATALAY. eds. Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debate.. Chichester, UK, 2010. ISBN 9781405132732.
  • THIRLWALL, Anthony P. and Penélope PACHECO-LÓPEZ. Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence.. London, UK, 2017. ISBN 9781137577948.
  • THIRLWALL, Anthony P. Growth and Development: With Special Reference to Developing Economies.. London, UK, 2005. ISBN 9781403996015.
  • TODARO, Michael, and Stephen C. SMITH. Economic Development.. London, UK, 2014. ISBN 9781292002972.
  • VELTMEYER, Henry and Paul BOWLES. eds. The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies.. Oxford, UK, 2017. ISBN 9781138049970.

Studijní plány, ve kterých se předmět nachází
Fakulta Studijní plán (Verze) Kategorie studijního oboru/specializace Doporučený ročník Doporučený semestr