Demel Jaroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
A part of work experience is active implication of students on solving practical problems in chosen company concerned to its economic activities. Students are getting acquainted with real economic processes in company. One of the benefits of job placement is testing of students in real working process and thus their training and a verification of their abilities for potential employment at the respective company after a graduation of studies.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Preparation for credit
- 8 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to allow students to meet an economic reality in different places and positions at companies in countries of EU corresponding to their actuals studies and under the student status. At the end, the students have to elaborate a written report about their activities. The written report must be in compliance with the given formal requirements.
The students receive practical experiences and skills directly from a working process.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students are obligatory to work out the plan of work placement Students are obligatory to give over their report from the work placement.
Recommended literature
Opatření pro absolvování pracovní stáže v rámci programu LLP/ERASMUS.