The aim of this subject is the design of the Electronics equipment, manufacturing technologies of the Printed Circuit Boards and electrical properties of PCBs. The students are also acquainted with the assembly technology. Selected topics: CAD termonology, eCAD systems, PCB design flow, trends and roadmaps, eCAD systems characteristics (design rules, layers, placement, final corections, ERC, DRC, routers, thermo-analysis, 3D-check, postprocesing etc.) PCBs characterization (pads construction, capacity, resistance, inductance, impedance , EMC, current-carrying capacity) PCB manufacturing technologies (base materials, work flow, finish technologies, separation tech., AOC, electrical test - BON, errors...) Assembly (THT/SMT, assembly methods, soldering, assembly failures, optical and electrical test, rework) Final completion, life cycle PCB and ecology issues, relevant standards (CSN, ISO, IPC EIPC etc.) Seminars: Library structure, Power constructions, Routers, design rules, design optimalization, ERC, DRC, standard setting praxis in PCBlab practical experience in component assembly Calculations in PCBs PCB measurements - electrical test, CI, possible excursion in manuf. company
Coombs C. F. Printed Circuit Handbook, McGraw-Hill publishing 2001. McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-07-135016-0.
DOLEŽAL, I. a kol. Analogová elektronika.. Liberec, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7494-136-8.
NOVÁK, O. a kol. Číslicová elektronika.. Liberec, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7494-137-5.
Starý, Šandera, Kahle. Plošné spoje a povrchová montáž. Skriptum VUT. VUT Brno, 1999. ISBN 80-214-1499-5.
Szendiuch. Technologie elektronických obvodů a systémů, VUT. Brno, 2002. ISBN 80-214-2072-3.
Szendiuch. Základy technologie mikroelektronických obvodů a systémů, VUTium. VUTium Brno, 2006. ISBN 80-214-3292-6.
Valentová P., Valenta E. a kol. Elektromagnetická kompatibilita. Grada, 1998. ISBN 80-7169-568-8.
Záhlava. Metodika návrhu plošných spojů. Skriptum ČVUT. Praha, 2000.