Course programmed: Lectures 1. The operating systems for mobile systems, Windows CE, Windows XP Embedded 2. Symbian, UNIX 3. Development environment for application programming, Java ME 4. Visual Studio .NET 5. Frequency spectrum division 6. Wireless telecommunication systems 7. Source and channel coding 8. Digital modulation 9. Data security, error correction control 10. Cellular networks principle 11. The GSM/GPRS/EDGE - principles, function, services 12. The 3rd and 4th generation networks - summary, principles, function, services 13. Other wireless networks - WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiMAX, etc. 14. SIMToolkit application design Practical 1. Introduction to virtual device, introduction to development environment, Android aplication structure, classes Activity, Button, EditText, TextView, installation of USB driver, debugging on device 2. Input Controls, layouts, classes CheckBox, Spinner, RadioButton, DatePicker, Toast, ToggleButton 3. Activity life cycle, Starting activity, method OnCreate, pausing activity, resuming activity, recreating activity, class Bundle, starting Another Activity, delivery data to startin activity 4. Drawing, classes Canvas, Paint, drawing bitmapy, animation 5. Services, classes Service, ServiceHandler, IntentService, service life cycle, methods startService, bindService, onCreate, onDestroy 6. Content providers, classes ContentProvider, Calendar, ContentProvider 7. Intents, class Intent, methods getExtras, getAction, getData, Intent Objects, Intent filters 8. SQLite database, classes SQLiteOpenHelper, Cursor, SQLiteDatabase, ListViews, ListActivities, SimpleCursorAdapter, operation with database 9. Fragments, class Fragment, Fragment life cycle, communicating with other fragments, persistent fragment data, modification fragment in runtime 10. Saving data, saving key-value sets, saving files, save a file on external storage, save a file on internal storage, query free space, delete a file, share files between aplications
Adámek, J.:. Kódování.. SNTL, Praha, 1989.
Hanus S. Rádiové a mobilní komunikace. Brno, FEKT VUT, 2002.
Lacko, L. Programujeme mobilní aplikace ve Visual Studiu .NET. Praha, Computer Press, 2004.
Mahmoud, Q.H. Naučte se Java 2 Micro Edition. Praha, Grada, 2002.
Žalud, V. Moderní radioelektronika. BEN, Praha, 2002.