Course: Simulation of Dynamic Systems

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Course title Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Course code MTI/SDS
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Frequency of the course Every school year
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Školník Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Tůma Libor, doc. Ing. CSc.
Course content
Lectures: 1. The system description. The deductive and inductive approach to the formulation of a model. Mathematic-physical analysis. 2. The simulation experiment. 3. Inner and outer description of a dynamic system. Dynamical similarity of systems. The movement of a dynamic system, the equilibrium state, the stability. 4. State description, state trajectory. Techniques of selecting the state vector. Technical function. Systems with a transport delay. State description of the linear system. 5. The numerical simulation, the simulation model. Simultaneous integration. The dynamic and static part of the model. Algebraic loop. 6. The verification of a simulation experiment. The error of enumeration. 7. The computer model. The numerical solution of differential equation. The method of Runge-Kutt, predictor - corrector methods. The time step of a numerical simulation. 8. Introduction into Bond graph. 9. Bond graph - mechanical and electrical systems. 10. Models of sensors, amplifiers and converters. 11. The collision in Bond graphs. C-array, I-array, R-array. 12. State-space in Bond graph - correspondences. 13. - 14. Some examples of complex tasks. Practice: Simulation of basic and advanced dynamical models based on mechanical, electrical or thermal principle. Verification of computer model. The selection of numerical method. 1. MATLAB/Simulink - introduction and basic functions (the extension of knowledge from MTI/ZSR). The graphical representation of data, record, read, save and other manipulation with data. 2. The simulation of linear dynamic systems, equilibrium values - mechanical model of bumping damped seat. 3. The simulation of nonlinear systems, limitations - bumping ball. 4. The simulation of nonlinear system, real nonlinearities - water tanks + variation. 5. State description - electron in elmg field. 6. Iteration calculus, conversion of boundary conditions - I-beam. 7. Examples of system with transport delay. 8. Introduction into Bond graph. Simple tasks (R, I, C + 1 node) of electrical and mechanical systems. 9. - 11. Advanced tasks solved by the Bond graph (TF, GY, node combinations), simulation schema of computer model, state description, edge collision, algebraic loop restriction. 12. - 13. A complex task - a model of car dumping system. 14. Credits give.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Project teaching
  • Class attendance - 56 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 34 hours per semester
  • Preparation for credit - 20 hours per semester
  • Preparation for exam - 40 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Introductory part of the course is devoted to the basics of system modelling and simulation methods. The main part of the course is then focused on digital simulation of linear and non-linear continuous deterministic systems in both input-output and state space context. The students are also introduced into the bond graph modelling that allows to capture the common energy structure of systems from different physical domains in a unified way. Practical examples are used to demonstrate the application possibilities of MATLAB/Simulink software for various classes of nonlinear phenomena and dynamics limitations of the simulated systems.
The student gains some theoretical knowledge and practical skills from the sphere of simulation the linear and nonlinear systems. The student is also able to create not only equations which correspond with static behaviour of the system, but also the dynamic equation and is prepare to construct the Bond graph.
Condition of registration: Credit from subject Matematika I and II, knowledge of derivations and integrals.

Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Oral exam, Written exam, Practical demonstration of acquired skills

Requirements for getting a credit are activity at the practicals /seminars and presentation of reports. Examination is of the written and oral forms.
Recommended literature
  • Horáček, P.:. Systémy a modely.. ČVUT Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-01-01923-3.
  • ZÍTEK, P., PETROVÁ, R.:. Matematické a simulační metody.. ČVUT Praha, 1996. ISBN 80-010-01524-6.
  • ZÍTEK, P.:. Simulace dynamických systémů.. SNTL, Praha, 1990. ISBN 80-03-00330-X.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies Study plan (Version): Electronic Information and Control Systems (2012) Category: Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter