Kolář Milan, doc. Ing. CSc.
Zizienová Marta, Mgr.
Nešetřil Kamil, Mgr. Ph.D.
Novák Miroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
<u> Lecture topics: </ u> 1. General overview, university and faculty structure, education organization, Higher Educational Act. 2. Study rules, study agenda (IS STAG), Study and Examination Regulations, academic titles. 3. Safety and fire safety training in FM TUL laboratories. 4. History and development of engineering (category of engineering, significant inventions, important Czech inventors, structure of the economy). 5. How to learn effectively (human brain, types of memory, information and emotions, forgetfulness, concentration). 6. Time planning (generation of time management, setting goals, prioritization methods, time thieves, efficiency). 7. Procrastination (decision paralysis, self-regulation, types of motivation, personal vision, methods of fighting procrastination). 8. Intellectual property (copyright, property rights, use of the work, licensing, industrial property, school work, plagiarism). 9. Libraries and catalogs (public library, Czech and foreign union catalogs). 10. Database (types of databases - factual, bibliographic, fulltext, multidisciplinary, citation, search, prepaid databases). 11. Basic rules for writing quotes (rules for writing qualifying work on FM, ISO 690). 12. Free electronic information resources available, citation managers (citace.com, Zotero). 13. Search strategy, online syndication, open access, useful software. Excursions to the Regional Science Library and the University Library.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The subject provides an introduction to the study at the Technical University; shows the importance and development of engineering, its structure and its relationship. Part of the subject is devoted to the development of soft skills of students of technical disciplines (effective learning, time planning, fight with procrastination). Approximately half of the subject deals with information sources - general information on how to orientate in information institutions, on provided services, how to search for relevant sources (both classical and electronic) how to process and cite such resources. Information on Intellectual Property Protection is also provided briefly.
Students will acquire a good overview of engineering, its history and complex connections between natural sciences and electrical and mechanical engineering. They will also see the broad context of social aspects of engineering.
Condition of registration: none
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
successfully passing the intermediate tests
Recommended literature
-. Studijní materiály v e-learningovém systému fakulty.
-. Zákon o vysokých školách č.111/98 Sb. a navazující univerzitní předpisy.
BIERNÁTOVÁ, Olga a Jan SKUPA. 2011. Bibliografické odkazy a citace dokumentu dle CSN ISO 690 (01 0197) platné od 1. dubna 2011 [online]. 2. zárí 2011. Dostupné z: http://www.citace.com/dokumenty.php.
KNOBLAUCH, J., WÖLTJE, H., HAUSNER, M., KIMMICH, M. a LACHMANN, S. Time management: Mějte svůj čas pod kontrolou. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-4431-5.
LUDWIG, Petr. Konec prokrastinace. Brno: Jan Melvil Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87270-51-6.
TELEC, Ivo a Pavel TŮMA. Autorské právo, Průmyslová práva: podle stavu k 19.10.2009. Praha: Nakladatelství Sagit, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7208-767-9.
TOMAN, Ivo. O úspěchu. Praha: Taxus International, 2011. ISBN 858-6-11-22031-3.
VYMĚTAL, Jan. Informační zdroje v odborné literatuře. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7357-520-5.