Slavík Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
Hartmanová Pavlína, Mgr.
Course content
DIDACTICS OF BOTANY 1. Algae, fungi, lichens 2. Mosses, ferns 3. Seedless plants 4. Angiosperms - plant organs, monocotyledons 5. Angiosperms - dicotyledons DIDACTICS OF ZOOLOGY 6. Protozoa, anemones, flatworms 7. Molluscs, ringworms 8. Arthropods 9. Fish, amphibians, reptiles 10. Birds, mammals DIDACTICS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 11. Skeleton, muscles 12. Digestive, respiratory system 13. Vascular, lymphatic, excretory system 14. Nervous system, senses, reproduction Exercises are focused on the actual presentation of teaching management on a specific example and innovative approaches to the didactics of individual topics.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Active metods (simulation, situational contingency methods, drama,acting, namagerial acting ), Problematic methods (research and exploration), Demonstration of student skills, Practicum
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 20 hours per semester
- Contacts hours
- 16 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 60 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to gain knowledge about the didactic possibilities of teaching science at elementary school. Exercises are focused on the actual presentation of teaching management on a specific example and innovative approaches to the didactics of individual topics.
Připravit vyučovací hodinu, exkurzi a laboratorní cvičení. Vytvářet vyučovací materiály a pomůcky.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Practical demonstration of acquired skills
Continuous assessment of preparation and activity at seminars, evaluation of written summary of basic information and case studies presented in work at seminars (credit). Oral exam focused on the presentation and defense of selected problems of evolutionary theory.
Recommended literature
ALTMANN, A., HORNÍK, F. Vybrané kapitoly z didaktiky biologie II.. Vyd. 1. Praha: SPN. 135 s., 1986.
PETTY, G. Moderní vyučování. Praha: Portál, 2013. ISBN 978-80-262-0367-4.
PODROUŽEK, L. Úvod do didaktiky předmětů o přírodě a společnosti. 1. vyd., Plzeň, ZČU. 146 s., 1998. ISBN 80-7082-431-X.
ŠVECOVÁ, M., ČÍŽKOVÁ V., RŮŽKOVÁ I., STOKLASA J. Cvičení z didaktiky biologie I.. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Karolinum, 89 s., 2000.