Course: History of Chemistry

» List of faculties » FP » KCH
Course title History of Chemistry
Course code KCH/HIC
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Slavík Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Historical benchmarks in the field of chemistry (pre-alchemy period, alchemy, unification and separation to sub-disciplines: inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry etc). History of chemistry in Bohemia, prominent Czech chemists and their discoveries. Chemistry as a part of contemporary life.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Project teaching, Problematic methods (research and exploration), Students' portfolio
  • Class attendance - 28 hours per semester
  • Semestral paper - 18 hours per semester
  • Preparation for exam - 12 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Based on the development of chemistry as a field from the pre-alchemical period through the period of alchemy, the period of unification of chemistry and subsequent division into individual disciplines (inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry, etc.) to understand deeper connections between individual fields of chemistry, but also links to other sciences and arts. By completing the course, students should deepen, generalize and repeat the basic knowledge of chemistry. Getting acquainted with the work and life destinies of prominent scientific personalities will provide stimuli for the future work of students in schools.
Understand the historical context in the development of chemical disciplines. Present the results of your own research. Work effectively in a group.
knowledge of high school chemistry

Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Oral presentation of self-study

active participation in the class, successfully defended seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Banýr, J. - Novotný, V. R. Stručné dějiny chemie a chemické výroby. FP UK Praha, SPN, 1986.
  • Budiš J. a kol. Historie chemie slovem a obrazem. MU PřF v Brně, 1995.
  • Kol. Encyklopedické listy 11 - Chemikové. Encyklopedický dům Praha, 1998.
  • Mollin J. Historie chemie. UP PřF v Olomouci, 1992.
  • Solárová M., Lichtenberg K. Vybrané kapitoly z historie chemie. Brno, Paido, 2000.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Professional studies for lower-secondary school teachers. (18) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Education in Leisure Time (20) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Education in Leisure Time (20) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Professional studies for lower-secondary school teachers. (15) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Applied Geography (19) Category: Geography courses - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter