Course: Introduction in contemporary hermeneutics

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Course title Introduction in contemporary hermeneutics
Course code KFL/HES
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Umlauf Václav, MTh. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The philosophy of life and understanding of history (Dilthey, Yorck). 2. The hermeneutics of facticity (Hermeneutik der Faktizität) and the end of Neokantianism (Heidegger). 3. Linguistic turn of late Heidegger. 4. Philosophical hermeneutics as a kind of historical understanding (Gadamer I). 5. Hermeneutics of work of art, text and reading (Gadamer II). 6. Integration of understanding (Verstehen) and epistemology (Erklären) with respect to myth and text (Ricoeur I). 7. Hermeneutics of praxis and memory (Ricoeur II). 8. The critical reading of Gadamer made by new hermeneutics of communicative praxis (Habermas, Apel). 9. Return to archaic way of "hermeneia" (Nancy, Greisch). 10. Renaissance of symbolic hermeneutics (Umlauf). 11. Hermeneutics and archaeology of discourse (Foucault). 12. Hermeneutics and post-structuralism (Derrida). 13. Hermeneutics and analytical philosophy (Rorty, Davidson). 14. Summary.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
  • Class attendance - 28 hours per semester
  • Preparation for credit - 30 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The crisis of German Idealism und transcendental philosophy, including the phenomenology of Husserl contributed to renaissance of hermeneutics, that came into being in the late Antiquity. Martin Heidegger disclosed the primary meaning of life in the work Being and Time (1927). He prepared the way to variety of modern thinkers. They enlarged the scope of hermeneutics by dealing with history, art, political practice, speech and text, self-comprehension.
Lectures outline the actual development in Germany and in France by examining the main concepts of hermeneutics, new philosophical discipline full of promise.

Assessment methods and criteria
Student's performance analysis

An essay (10 up to 15 pages) on the chosen subject to be approved by the lecturer, individual consultation is needed.
Recommended literature
  • GADAMER, Hans-Georg. Aktualita krásného. Umění jako hra, symbol a slavnost. Praha, Triáda, 2003.
  • GREISCH, Jean. Rozumět a interpretovat. Hermeneutické paradigma. Praha, Filosofia, 1995.
  • GRONDIN, Jean. Úvod do hermeneutiky. Praha, Institut pro středoevropskou kulturu a politiku, 1997.
  • HEIDEGGER, Martin. Bytí a čas. Praha, OIKOYMENH, 2002.
  • HEIDEGGER, Martin. Gesamtausgabe 63 (Ontologie. Hermeneutik der Faktizät). Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 1998.
  • HROCH, Jaroslav. Filosofická hermeneutika v dějinách a v současnosti. Brno, Masarykova univerzita, 2003.
  • RICOEUR, Paul. Čas a vyprávění III. Praha, OIKOYMENH, 2007.
  • RICOEUR, Paul. Čas a vyprávění II. Praha, OIKOYMENH, 2002.
  • RICOEUR, Paul. Čas a vyprávění I. Praha, OIKOYMENH, 2000.
  • RICOEUR, Paul. Úkol hermeneutiky. Eseje o hermeneutice. Praha, Filosofia, 2004.
  • ŠIMSA, Martin. Hermeneutická propedeutika. Ústí nad Labem, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, 2005.
  • UMLAUF, Václav. Hermeneutik nach Gadamer. Freiburg/München, Alber Verlag, 2007.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Education in Leisure Time (20) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: -
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Professional studies for lower-secondary school teachers. (18) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: -
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Education in Leisure Time (20) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: -
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Applied Geography (19) Category: Geography courses - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: -
Faculty: Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education Study plan (Version): Professional studies for lower-secondary school teachers. (15) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: -