Vávra Jaroslav, RNDr. Ph.D.
Boháč Artur, RNDr. Ph.D.
Rubáš Dominik, RNDr.
Bendl Tomáš, RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Students of course means the spatiality of behavior, actions, decisions and presentation of ideas and places (such as mental maps Gould, Lynch) individuals, groups, ethnic groups in place and space and cultural framework. Actively work with the concepts of home, place, region, identity, cultural landscape, the genius loci. Understand those concepts in a historical context, from the Greek concepts of Chora and the topos of human geography through school Vidal de la Blach and through the founder of modern humanistic geography (work Tuanovy) to contemporary concepts mainly British Humanist geographers, for example, Cresswell. They are acquainted with basic work related to humanistic and cultural geographic perspective on the issues studied (Butzer, Toynbee, Buttimer).
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
- Class attendance
- 42 hours per semester
- Semestral paper
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 18 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 25 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 15 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Students understnd spatiality in individual behaviour, act, decision making and images and presentation of places (e.g. Gould/Lynch mental maps) of individuals, groups, ethnics in the place and in the space in the cultural frame. They udnerstand and work actively with notion of home, region, cultural landscape, genius loci. They understand the notions in Greek notions of chora and topos and via human geographical schools (Vidal de la Blache and from modern founders of humanistic geography (Tuan, Relph etc.) to contemporary concepts (eg. Cresswell, Blunt etc.). Students study basic works of Humanistic and cultural geographic views (Butzer, Toynbee, Buttimer).
Students are able to study human geographical themes in English and discuss them.
Basic geographical knowledge of comprehensive school and basic knowledge of human geography
Assessment methods and criteria
Didactic test
Written test with minimum of pass rate - 70 per cent.
Recommended literature
BLUNT, Alison et al. Cultural Geography in Practice. New York, 2003. ISBN 0 340 80770 9.
BUTTIMEROVÁ, A. Geography and the Human Spirit. 2002.
CRANG, M. Cultural Geography. London, 1998. ISBN 0-415-14083-8.
CRESSWELL, T. Place: A Short Introduction. 2004.
DEAR, M. et al. Geohumanities. Art, history, text et the edge of place. London, 2011. ISBN 958-0-415-58980-2.
HOELSCHER,S., TUAN, Y-F. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. 2001.
TOYNBEE, A. J. A Study of History Abridgement of Volumes I-VI .. 1987.
TUAN, Y.-F. Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perceptions, Attitudes, and Values. 1990.
VÁVRA, J. Jedinec a místo. 2009.
VÁVRA, J. Studie: Vnímání místa. 2003.