The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main theory, tools and documents of regional development. Practice of regional development and regional policy in the European Union and the Czech Republic. Regional development strategies and programs at different territorial levels, and their examples. Boundaries and location. Development of territory, state and territorial administrative arrangement. Natural conditions and landscapes. Climatic, hydrographic and morphological peculiarities. Nature and landscape protection. Areas and territories of special importance / regime. Settlement and population. Economic base: agriculture, industry and services. Transport and transport infrastructure. Tourism. Foreign relations and trade. International integration grouping. European Union. Regions and their characteristics / peculiarities / significance. Examples and significance of regional division (regionalization). Areas, regions, districts, typology of municipalities and settlements. Main sources and procedures for processing information about the territory of the Czech Republic and regions in the Czech Republic.
BLAŽEK, J. a UHLÍŘ, D. Teorie regionálního rozvoje. 2. vyd. Karolinum. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-246-1974-3.
KREJČÍ, T., KLUSÁČEK, P., KONEČNÝ, O., RUDA, A. Regionální rozvoj: teorie, aplikace, regionalizace. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7375-414-3.
WOKOUN, R. et al. Regionální rozvoj: východiska regionálního rozvoje, regionální politika, teorie, strategie a programování. Praha, linde, 2008.