Course: Chosen Problems of the Czech Early Modern History - Political Culture and Political Elites of the Czech Early Modern History

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Course title Chosen Problems of the Czech Early Modern History - Political Culture and Political Elites of the Czech Early Modern History
Course code KHI/PND1X
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Svoboda Milan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) Migration and emigration in Czech historiography in 19th and 20th century (authors and interpretations) 2) Types and causes of migration. Terminology. 3) Beginnings of the migration, early modern age: Political and religious emigration in 16th century 4) Loss of home: Migration from Czech lands motivated by religion and politics in 17th century 5) Consequences of the Thirty year war and post war migration 6) Religious migration in 18th century 7) Attempts to establish exile communes in 17th century 8) Who is at home? Examples of acceptance of Czech migrants in Sachsen (Pirna, Dresden) 9) Finding new homeland: Creating new home in Lužice (Herrnhut) and Poland (Zelów) 10) Self-conception of the exile existance 11) New Generation 12) The inside view 13) Migration in the Czech lands 14) Summary

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
  • Preparation for exam - 46 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 46 hours per semester
  • Class attendance - 28 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The subject focuses on the explanation of various forms of migration (emigration, immigration, exile) and the historical concept of this phenomenon in modern history. A special part is devoted to the enforced migration from the Czech lands from the 16th to 18th centuries. It explains both the causes and the consequences of the migration for the countries of the Czech Crown and for hosting countries. On individual examples of aristocrats and townsmen, individual and common features of emigrants' destinies, the changes of the inner structure of these small societies in strange surrounding and their gradual domestication in variously socially and religiously oriented cultures are presented.It focuses also on other than confessional causes of migration. Attention is devoted to migrant communities in the Czech lands.
It corresponds to the definition of the subject and to the demands given in syllabus.
Fulfilment of previous study obligations, see the study program.

Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam

Active attendance on discussions (lessons); fulfilment of homework; passing a test successfully; study of recommended literature
Recommended literature
  • BOBKOVÁ, L. z Prahy a severozápadních Čech v Pirně v letech 1621-1639, Praha 1999.
  • HRUBÁ, M. (ed.). Víra nebo vlast?, Ústí nad Labem 2001.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Běh života českých emigrantů v Berlíně v 18. století, Praha 1999.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Exulantská útočiště v Lužici a Sasku, Praha 2004.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Jak potůček v jezeře. Moravané v obnovené Jednotě bratrské v 18. století, Praha 2009.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Pozváni do Slezska. Vznik prvních českých emigrantských kolonií v 18. století v pruském Slezsku, Praha 2001.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Z nouze o spasení. Česká emigrace v 18. století do Pruského Slezska, Praha 1992.
  • ŠTĚŘÍKOVÁ, E. Zelów. Česká exulantská obec v Polsku, Praha 2010 (2. vyd.).

Study plans that include the course