Pirklová Petra, RNDr. Ph.D.
Course content
- Principle of central projection. - Linear perspective - 1-, 2- and 3 - point perspective. - Fotogrammetry. - Illumination in linear perspective.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), E-learning, Students' self-study
- Preparation for credit
- 14 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 14 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 4 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Introduction discusses the principle of central projection and this results are used in linear perspective. Two point perspective: bound methods; loose perspective, distant points; perspective image of a circle, spherical surface, curves; a perspective view of the network; mirror images, own and droped shadow, images of basic geometric shapes. Geometric nature of three points perspective: bound methods. Fotogrammetry. Illumination in linear perspective.
Augemented Euclidean space, central projection, 1-,2- and 3-point perspective. Fotogrammetry. Illumination in linear perspective.
Knowledge of secondary school stereometry, Monge projection GE1, GE2.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Active participation on seminars ,1 test, 2 drawings.
Recommended literature
Piska, R. - Medek, V.:. Deskriptivní geometrie I. SNTL, Praha, 1966.
Setzer, O.:. Deskriptivní geometrie. Polytechnická knižnice, Praha, 1972.
Urban, A.:. Deskriptivní geometrie I, II. Praha, SNTL, 1967.