Picková Helena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The personality of the teacher. Problems of teacher's profession, authority, teaching style (comparison of selected skills and style of work of teachers, where students will be at hospitations). 2. Self-evaluation tool - teacher competences, teacher evaluation criteria. 3. Structure of lesson. Organization of teaching, methods (practical exercises, teaching observation and analysis). 4. Specifics of pedagogical communication, social interaction, communication pupil-teacher and pupil-pupil (practical seminar exercises - use of speech, verbal and non-verbal, etc.). 5. Motivation for learning, activation of pupils in teaching (observation in teaching and analysis). 6. Internal differentiation, work with pupils with specific needs in inclusive education (with learning or behavioral disorders, unsuccessful pupils, gifted pupils), pedagogical assistant and his competencies in teaching. 7. Specifics of primary school education - differences in objectives, organization of teaching, methods, etc., ways of working with respect to developmental traits. Practical exercises (differences between pupils in abilities and performance, differences between girls and boys, testing and assessment of pupils, etc.). 8. Sociometry. Class as social group. (Practical exercises.) 9. Current educational problems (bullying, truancy, smoking, alcohol, drugs, mobile phones in teaching, etc.). Analysis, discussion.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Observation
- Class attendance
- 8 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 8 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 14 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 12 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 12 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course introduces the students to the field of the school, where they perform the following activities: practice of observation techniques, excursion activities, talks with pedagogical staff of specific faculty elementary schools, practical acquiring of some research methods, teaching in the teaching process, psychodidaktic analysis of lesson, preparation, and the self-reflection of imitated microprocessing within the exercise. The general aim of the course is the content integration of the theoretical pedagogical and psychological disciplines with practical problems of education, ie mediation of the relation between lecture topics and observed phenomena in the field. The focal point of activity is in specifically targeted teaching and reflection. Observations are not focused on the specific subject, but above all on the teacher's skills in teaching.
After completion of the course student will be able: 1. to understand the content of prescribed curriculum of the course 2. to reflect the topics of the course critically 3. to demonstrate specific intellectual skills gained in a course in writing of a semestral paper 4. to apply gained knowledge in educational process
Basic pedagogical and psychological knowledge.
Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation of acquired experience via portfolio
Active participation in lectures, continuous fulfillment of assigned tasks including presentation of microstrip, preparation of portfolio with observation records.
Recommended literature
HANUŠ, R., CHYTILOVÁ, L. Zážitkové pedagogické učení. Praha: Grada, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2816-2.
LANGER, J. a kol. Pedagogičtí pracovníci jako klíčový faktor inkluzivního vzdělávání. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2017. ISBN 978-80-244-5119-0.
LUKÁŠOVÁ, H., SVATOŠ, T., MAJERČÍKOVÁ, J. Studentské portfolio jako výzkumný prostředek poznání cesty k učitelství: příspěvek k autoregulaci profesního učení a seberozvoje. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7454-465-1.
NĚMEC, Z., ŠÍMÁČKOVÁ-LAURENČÍKOVÁ, K., HÁJKOVÁ, V. Asistent pedagoga v inkluzivní škole. Praha: Karolinum, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7290-712-0.
PÍŠOVÁ, M. ed. Portfolio v profesní přípravě učitele. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7395-024-8.
PÍŠOVÁ, M. et al. Teorie a výzkum expertnosti v učitelské profesi. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5744-9.
TRUNDA, J. Profesní portfolio učitele: soubor metod k hodnocení a sebehodnocení. Praha: Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87063-62-0.
VETEŠKA, J.; TURECKIOVÁ, M. Kompetence ve vzdělávání. Praha: Grada, 2008. ISBN 80-247-6871-2.
ZVÍROTSKÝ, M. et al. Portfolio profesního rozvoje jako alternativní bakalářská práce v profesních oborech. Praha: UK, PedF, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7290-846-2.