Šimůnková Martina, RNDr. Ph.D.
Brzezina Miroslav, doc. RNDr. CSc., dr. h. c.
Course content
Direction of modern analysis, theory of integration and differencial equations.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Laboratory work
- Class attendance
- 42 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 75 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Direction of modern analysis, theory of integration and differencial equations.
Student got knowledge of modern method of differential equation.
Knowledge of the basic course of mathematical analysis.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Written exam
Credit: Working out of semestral work. Exam: Written and oral.
Recommended literature
Rektorys, K. Matematika 43, Obyčejné a parciální diferenciální rovnice s okrajovými podmínkami. Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2001.
Rudin, W. Analýza v reálném a komplexním oboru. Academia, Praha 2003.