Brzezina Miroslav, doc. RNDr. CSc., dr. h. c.
Salač Petr, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Course content
The aim is to deepen knowledge in the field of numerical linear algebra. The individual topics can be summarized in the following points: " Solving system of linear equations with a square regular matrix. " Matrix norm, condition, arithmetic of moving commas, stability of the algorithm. " Direct methods, triangular systems, choleric decomposition, Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition. " Iterative methods, truncated matrix systems, basic iterative methods, clustered gradient method. " The smallest square method. " Systems of normal equations, QR decomposition, singular decomposition.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim is to deepen knowledge in the field of numerical linear algebra. The individual topics can be summarized in the following points: " Solving system of linear equations with a square regular matrix. " Matrix norm, condition, arithmetic of moving commas, stability of the algorithm. " Direct methods, triangular systems, choleric decomposition, Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition. " Iterative methods, truncated matrix systems, basic iterative methods, clustered gradient method. " The smallest square method. " Systems of normal equations, QR decomposition, singular decomposition.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Recommended literature
Demmel, J.W. Applied Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, 1997.
Roman S. Advanced Linear Algebra. ISBN 978-0-387-24766-3.