Mendřický Radomír, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction - terminology, devices, principles, advantages and disadvantages, field of application. 2. Evaluation of data, acceptance test, measurement of lengths and angles, tolerance of shape and position (GD&T). 3. Contact measurements in 3D - machines, sensors, calibration, alignment, measurement strategy. 4. Optical measurement (ZEISS multisensor CMM) - camera calibration, lighting adjustment, edge analysis. 5. Non-contact optical 3D digitization - division of 3D scanners, orientation in the global coordinate system, principles. 6. Measurement by portable 3D scanner (RevScan or MetraScan) - preparation of measurements, work with a tracker. 7. Measurement by 3D scanner (ATOS III) - preparation of measurements and part, reference points, back projection. 8. Measured data processing - cloud point, polygonal mesh, mesh editing. 9. Basic procedures of dimensional and shape inspection in SW GOM Inspect - alignment, colour map of deviations. 10. Advanced inspection methods in SW GOM Inspect - inspection section, measurement principles, GD&T, reporting. 11. Introduction to photogrammetry (measurement of 3D points in 3D, static deformation tasks) - measurement by TRITOP system. 12. Reverse Engineering - transformation to solid models, NURBS surfaces, parametric modelling on a scan. 13. Work in SW for RE (Geomagic Design X) - work with regions, creation of NURBS patches, parametric modelling. 14. News and trends in 3D measurement and optical 3D digitization, credit.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Demonstration, Project teaching, Laboratory work, Lecture, Practicum
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with the modern methods of 3D measurement and optical digitization in engineering and its use in technical practice. Attention is paid to the processing of measured data, dimensional and shape inspection and methods of reverse engineering.
Students will learn the principles and methods of contactless measurement and 3D scanning. They will gain knowledge of optical digitization and its use in technical practice. Furthermore, they will learn to process and evaluate measured data in specialized softwareds (meshe editing, dimensional and shape inspection of the scanned model) and will acquire methods of reverse engineering.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Presentation of group work, Written assignment, Test
Recommended literature
Studijní materiály.
Study materials.
GOM mbh. User manual ? Hardware, ATOS TripleScan, Fotogrammetry, GOM Inspect. Braunschweig, Germany.
Grous, A. Applied metrology for manufacturing engineering. London, 2011. ISBN 978-1-84821-188-9.
Harding, K. Handbook of Optical Dimensional Metrology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4398-5481-5.
Mendřický, R. a P. Keller. Obsluha měřicích zařízení - bezkontaktní metody. TU Liberec, 2015.
Mendřický, R. a P. Keller. Operation of measuring equipment - Contact-less methods. TU Liberec, 2016.
Petřkovská, L. a L. Čepová. Strojírenská metrologie. VŠB TU Ostrava, 2011. ISBN 978-80-248-2723-0.
Wang, W. Reverse engineering: technology of reinvention. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011. ISBN 978-1-4398-0630-2.
Zhang, S. Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging. CRC Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4398-7219-2.