Vavruška Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Koblasa František, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Analytical tools (Pareto, Ishikava, Spagetty material flow design principles, Sankey, R / L), Warehouse management (ABC), Explains the use of various methods used in business logistics (eg Kanban, ConWIP, Milk-run, Heijunka), Concurent engineering . Use of selected industrial engineering tools. Automatic identification systems, visualization. The course will present supportive computer resources and present practical knowledge from a number of industrial projects. Part of the course are presentations of practitioners. Main topics by blocks: 1. Logistics as an integrated system - goals of logistics, requirements, explanation of basic concepts, division of logistics. 2. Basic methods and techniques for solving logistic problems. 3. Trends in logistics. Design for X - Design for Logistics 4. Stock management, inventory management. 5. Supply Milk-run, logistics channel. 6. Pressure control systems - MRP, MRP II. 7. Production planning and scheduling. Priority rules vs. advanced optimization. 8. Tension control systems - Kanban, CONWIP, POLCA, Heiyunka, dynamic storage. 9. Supply Chain Management (SCM + ERP + APS + MES + WMS integration). 10. Evaluation of suppliers. Reverse logistics. 11. Production and logistic controlling. 12. Technical means - transport and handling systems, storage systems. 13.Automatic identification systems (classification, utilization). 14. Selected elements called Industry 4.0 in logistics
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Active metods (simulation, situational contingency methods, drama,acting, namagerial acting )
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The goal of this course is to understand and be able to use the most used tools of industrial engineering methods in Production logistics. It includes Analytical tools (Pareto, Ishikawa, Spagetty material flow design principles, Sankey, R / L), Warehouse management (ABC), Explains the use of various methods used in business logistics (eg Kanban, ConWIP, Milk-run, Heijunka), Concurrent engineering. Automatic identification systems, visualization. The course will present selected CIM and present practical knowledge from a number of industrial projects. Part of the course are presentations of practitioners.
Students gain the basic theoretical knowledge from the field of the enterprise logistics.
To complete this course is not necessary to complete any other courses.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
CREDIT: Necessary condition for credit acceptance is elaboration of semester work EXAMINATION: Combined examination (writen/oral). Discussion on semester work results
Recommended literature
Gregor M, Mičieta M, Košturiak J, Bubeník P, Růžička J. Dynamické plánovanie a radenie, Žilinská univerzita 2000.
Gros I.:. Kvantitativní metody v manažerském rozhodování.. Grada, Praha, 2003. ISBN 80-247-0421-8.
KAVAN, M. Výrobní a provozní management. 2002. ISBN 80-247-0199-5.
MANLIG, František, František KOBLASA a Petr KELLER. Production systems. TU v Liberci, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7494-318-8.
MANLIG, František. Využití počítačové simulace výrobních systémů. Liberec: TU v Liberci, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7494-162-7.
Mičieta B, Gregor M, Quirenc P, Botka M. M: Kanbán - ste na ťahu. SLCP, 2001.
PERNICA, Petr. Logistický management: teorie a podniková praxe. Praha: Radix, 1998. ISBN 80-86031-14-4.
PIETERS, Reinder a Oliver J. NTENJE. Logistics: a practical approach. Third edition. Arnhem, 2012. ISBN 978-90-78438-13-7.
PRECLÍK, Vratislav. Průmyslová logistika. Nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-01-03449-6.
SIXTA, J. a MAČÁT, V. Logistika: teorie a praxe. 1. vyd. Brno: CP Books, 2005.. ISBN 80-251-0573-3.
Warnecke, H.-J., Košturiak, J., Debnár, M., Mičieta, B.:. Fraktálový podnik.Slovenské centrum.