Course content
Teaching is divided into the following blocks: - Classification of forming machines (presses, hammers, shaping machines). - Requirements for forming machines, drive characteristics, energy storage. - Principles of forming machines construction, workspace, accuracy, rigidity. - Operating characteristics of forming machines, basic technical parameters. - Mechanical presses, crank mechanism, stroke and gear function, drive calculation, efficiency. - Hydraulic presses, foundation of the structure, types of drives. - Cutting machines - laser, plasma, water jet. - Electro-erosion machines. - Single-purpose machines, modular machines. - Mounting devices, principles and components of assembly automation. - Vibration feeders. - Construction of assembly jigs. - Virtual Engineering.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Lecture
- Home preparation for classes
- 40 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 84 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 22 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 22 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course focuses on the design and principles of production machines, principles of construction of production machines with regard to stiffness and required properties and principles of design and properties of individual parts of machines.
Students will acquire knowledge of design and principles of production machines, principles of design of production machines with respect to stiffness and required properties, They will be able to design individual parts of machines.
Requirements: Machine parts, Elasticity and stresses
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Compulsory part of the exercises max. 25% excused absence. Adequate processing of assigned tasks in seminars, passing the tests.
Recommended literature
ASHBY, M. F. Materials selection in mechanical design. 4th ed.. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011. ISBN 978-1-85617-663-7.
BRADÁČ, Josef, Jiří MACHUTA, Iva NOVÁ, Martin SEIDL, Jiří SOBOTKA a Pavel SOLFRONK. Machines for processing metals and plastics. Liberec: Technical university of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7494-316-4.
BUDYNAS, R. G. and J. K. NISBETT. Shigley´s Mechanical Engineering Design (in SI Units). 10th ed.. Asia: McGraw-Hill, 2015. ISBN 978-981-4595-28-5.
BURDA, Ondřej. Tvářecí stroje používané pro technologie kování-buchary: Forming machines used for technologies forging-drop hammers [CD-ROM]. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2010.
DUŠÁK, Karel. Obráběcí přípravky. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7372-260-9.
Kopecký, M. a B. Rudolf. Tvářecí stroje, konstrukce, výpočty. SNTL Praha, 1979.
LEINVEBER, J., VÁVRA, P. Strojnické tabulky: učebnice pro školy technického zaměření. Úvaly. 2021.
POKORNÝ, Přemysl. Výrobní stroje II. - Tvářecí stroje. Liberec, 2001. ISBN 80-7083-482-X.
SHIGLEY, J. E., Ch. R. MISCHKE, R. G. BUDYNAS, M. HARTL a M. VLK. Konstruování strojních součástí. Brno: VUTIUM, 2010. ISBN 978-80-214-2629-0.
TEMPELMAN, Erik, Hugh SHERCLIFF a Bruno NINABER VAN EYBEN. Manufacturing and design: understanding the principles of how things are made. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014. ISBN 978-0-08-099922-7.
TEMPELMAN, Erik, Hugh SHERCLIFF a Bruno NINABER VAN EYBEN. Manufacturing and design: understanding the principles of how things are made. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014. ISBN 978-0-08-099922-7.
Tlusty, George. Manufacturing Processes and Equipment. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 0-201-49865-0.
VLČEK, Luděk. Tvářecí stroje používané pro technologie tváření kovů-lisy: forming machines used for metal forming technology-presses [CD-ROM]. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2010.