Hotař Vlastimil, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Basic terms. Crystalline, liquid and glassy state. Composition, structure and types of glass. 2. Properties of glass and molten glass: viscosity, surface tension, crystallinity, density, chemical resistance, mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties, permanent and residual stress. 3. Raw materials for glass production. Influence of raw materials on glass properties. 4. Glass batch. Batch house. Charging of batch. 5. Theory and technology of glass melting. Refractory materials. Energy savings. Glass melting ecology. 6. Glass melting furnaces. Electric melting. Trends of modern furnaces. 7. Glass feeding. 8. Forming technology (pressing, centrifugal forming, flat glass, container glass and tableware and domestic glassware, tubes, glass fibres). 9. Silica glass. Specific glass and products (ultra-thin, ultra-thick flat glass, foam glass, glass for medicine, vitrification, nanotechnology and others). 10. Theory and technology of glass annealing. Annealing furnace. 11. Mechanical, thermal and chemical processing and refinement of glass. 12. Finishing of automotive glass, structural glass. Glass layers. 13. Defects of glass and glass products. Quality control of glass products. 14. Trends and visions of glass technology and glass applications. Application of Industry 4.0 in glass production, 3D Printing. Tutorials: Cumulated to 2 blocks per week, tutorial bi-weekly 1. Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry (atoms, periodic table of elements, chemical fixations, nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometric calculation, laboratory works) 2. Littleton softening point, 3. Calculation of viscosity curve, 4. Determination of internal stress, 5. Index of refraction, Surface tension 6. Chemical resistance,
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Laboratory work
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Preparation for laboratory testing; outcome analysis
- 10 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The subject presents characteristics of glass materials, defines a difference between glass and glass melt and analyses their properties. The theory of glass melting, glass melting furnace, and theory of forming and annealing is given. Basic technological processes of automated glass production and processing are shown, including an overview of principles. Importance of treatment and processing of glass with new usable properties. The aim is to acquaint students with the basics of modern and automatic glass technology with an emphasis on used equipment and machines.
Student gets knowledge from these areas: General terms. Crystallic, liquid and glassy state of Glass. Glass constitution and structure. Properties. Raw materials for glass production, batch houses, preparation and charging methods of the batch, technology of glass melting, feeding and forming. Glass annealling. Decoration and finishing of glass. Experimental methods.
Not required.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Written exam
Credit - laboratory work, final test and semestral work. Written and oral examination.
Recommended literature
BARTUŠKA, M. a kol. Vady skla. 1. vyd. Praha: Práh, 2001..
BELDA, J. Sklářské stroje I. Skripta. VŠST 1991.. &, &.
FANDERLIK, I. Vlastnosti skel. Informatorium, Praha 1996..
HOTAŘ, V. Metodika popisu průmyslových dat pomocí fraktální geometrie. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2008..
HOTAŘ, V. Separátní materiály dostupné přes internet na webových stránkách KSR.
KLEBSA, V., HOTAŘ, V. Silikáty, sklo, žárovzdorné materiály. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci. 2005..
POPOVIČ, Š. Výroba a zpracování plochého skla. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s. 2009..
SCHILL, F. Chlazení skla. Praha: Informatorium, 1993..
SMRČEK, A., a kol. Tavení skla. Jablonec n. Nisou: Česká sklářská společnost o. s., 2008..