Course content
Lecture contens: fundamentals of experimental working - safety, overall parameters and experiment setup most common sensors - physical principle, design, their advantages and disadvantages, calibration rules amplifiers for measurement - theoretical function principles, their advantages and disadvantages, selection and connection with respect to the sensor design A/D, D/A converters, data acquisition hardware, examples fundamentals of feedback control, PID constants setup, examples all experiment setup: senors selection, measurement and control parameters setup, safety data acquisition software - sampling, start triggers, data representation, data storage managing, analyzing and reporting data collected during data acquisition NI LabVIEW graphical development of measurement and control applications fundamentals of programming in LabVIEW, express functions for data acquisition Practice: independent work in the Hydrodynamic laboratory - assembly of simple experiments, selection and connection measuring device, control and measuring parametrs setup, data acquisition, data managing, analyzing and reporting
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to acquire and deepen the knowledge in the field of testing of machine products and experimental activities. Total experiment set, division into individual stages and their significance. Properties and parameters of measuring strings, calibration, measurement errors. The most commonly used sensors of physical quantities, principles of operation, practical design and use. Thematic areas: 1. Experiment and its role in product development 2. Drivers 3. Measuring and recording equipment 4. Measurement chain and electromagnetic interference, principles of connection and protection 5. Characteristics of the measuring chain components, analogue part, digital part, principles of operation, quantization, sampling, measurement errors 6. Sensors for measurement of basic physical quantities from the field of solid state mechanics (feed, force, acceleration, pressure, temperature 7. Deformation sensors - strain gauge
Students obtain knowledge in given course in accordance with requirements and sourse programme.
Students should acquire and deepen their knowledge in the field testing of machinery and experimental activities: security, bond, option tot .. paramaterů and setting the overall configuration of the experiment, broken down into individual segments and their significance. The most commonly used sensors: types, physical principles, design, their advantages and disadvantages, the principle of calibration, measuring amplifier. They should acquire knowledge of the theoretical foundations of features and integration with respect to the sensor design.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit is awarded upon completion of the travel and tour news
Recommended literature
Olehla, M. Základy aplikované kybernetiky. [Skriptum]. Liberec, TU, 1997.