Course content
Lectures: 1. Introduction to design methodology. General information on the position, manner and content of work of CAD designer in an industrial company. 2. Methods of creative work. Prerequisites for creative activities. Methods for increasing the creative potential of individuals and groups. 3. Procedures for evaluating options and selecting the most appropriate solution. 4. Product life cycle. Stages of life of technical object. The process of designing a technical object. 5. Teamwork. Structure and team building. Principles of teamwork. Basic characteristics of the team. Group thinking. Resources supporting teamwork. Parallel engineering. 6. Manufacturability. The basic aim and principles in the design of technical objects with regard to type of production, technology, life stage, environmental aspects, standardization, built-up space. 7. Standardized and norm building elements of machines. Basic overview of building elements on a global scale. Methodology of building elements search. Ways of working with acquired CAD data. 8. Drives. Basic classification of drives. Principles of choice of drive size and tip. Trends in drive development. 9. Basic rules in drawing documentation. Numbering of drawings, title block, change table, etc. 10. Dimensioning principles in drawings for mass and series production. Product reference system. Critical attributes. 11. Prescription of tolerances in drawings. Geometrical product specification. Geometrical tolerancing. Datums and datum systems. Tolerance analyses and their division. 12. Industrial law protection. Technical requirements for products. Declaration of conformity. Directives 2009/104/ES and 98/37/ES of the European Parliament. 13. Support systems for CAD engineer in industrial company. PLM (Product Life cycle Management), PDM (Product documentation management), ECR (Enterprise Change Request), Analytical method to identify possible defects FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). 14. Use of modern materials in construction. Polymeric materials, nanomaterials, custom materials, smart materials. Seminar content: - Assignment of term project. - Methodology and practical demonstration of classical type of brainstorming. - Classical brainstorming in a group to find solutions to a given technical problem. Evaluation of variants. - Selection of solutions for final processing. Presentation of project variants in front of the group. - Methodology of creating 3D documentation. - Review and evaluation of 3D documentation of the semester project. Methodology of 2D documentation creation. - Review and evaluation of drawings of term project. - Search for inventions in online databases. Simple compilation of patent application for technical solution of term project. - Group work on the final presentation of the semester project. - Final presentation of semester project results. Evaluation and announcement of results.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Written assignment presentation and defence
- Home preparation for classes
- 12 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
General principles and laws of the design process in the designing of technical objects and technological units. Methods of technical creative work. Life cycle of a technical object. Methodical approach to machine design, evaluation of variants and selection of the most suitable solution, principles of designing mass-produced and single-purpose machines. Methods to increase creative potential, brainstorming, value analysis, heuristic procedures, teamwork. Principles and methodology of manufacturability. Quality, safety and health and nature protection. Unification and normalization. Principles of creating 2D and 3D documentation. Industrial and legal protection.
Studenti získají znalosti v daném předmětu v souladu s cílem a obsahem.
Machine Parts and Mechanisms II.Design Exercise
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Practical demonstration of acquired skills
Participation on seminars. Semestral work.
Recommended literature
Andreasen Mogens Myrup. Conceptual Design. 2015. ISBN 9783319198385.
Beneš, P., Valášek, M., Vlachová, V. Metody tvůrčí práce: zvyšující tvůrčí potenciál.
Janíček. Systémové pojetí vybraných oborů pro techniky I.
Janíček. Systémové pojetí vybraných oborů pro techniky II.
JEŘÁBEK, K.. Metodika navrhování strojů. Praha, 1999.
Mašín, I., Jirman, P. Metody systematické kreativity. Skripta TUL, 2012.
Meerkamm, H. Technical pocket guide. 2016.
Munier, Nolberto. Risk Management for Engineering Projects, Methods and Tools. ISBN 978-3-319-05251-9.
Pahl, G.,Beitz, W., Feldhsen, J. Engineering design: a systematic approach. ISBN 978-1-4471-6025-0.
Stark, John. Product Lifecycle Management. ISBN 978-3-319-17440-2.