Konečný Martin, Ing. Ph.D.
Žabka Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Beran Jaroslav, prof. Ing. CSc.
Kracík Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Introduction to FEM simulation, task types, comparison with analytical approach, importance in pre-production stage. 2. Software for solving FEM problems, modular architecture, modelling steps, basic principles, assumptions. 3. Basic element library, 2D models: plane strain and plain stress, isoparametric elements. 4. Mesh generation, requirements and quality, direct and automatic mesh generation, geometry import. 5. Boundary conditions, B.C types and their influence on results, volume forces. 6. Symmetry, types of symmetries and their use in models. Singularity and its causes, its identification and elimination. 7. Postprocessor results visualization and export possibilities 8. Convergence and accuracy of solution, error types, discretization error estimation, adaptive algorithms 9. Non-linear tasks, sources of non-linearity, material non-linearity, large deformation and large strain 10. Contact tasks, friction in contact, bolt connections. 11. Mathematical models in compressible and incompressible flows. Applications of the numerical simulation approaches. Models used for turbulent flows and a restriction of the turbulent model applications. Results visualization in regards to the turbulent flow features. 12. Mathematical models and numerical simulations of the heat transport phenomena - conduction, convection and radiation. Examples of the solutions. 13. Mathematical models of the multi-phase flows. Identification of the multi-phase interfaces and model approach application on the particular flow problems. 14. Parallel calculation and result visualizations in regards to the scheme accuracy and convergence. Stability of the solutions. Results visualizations. Seminars The seminars are focused on practical solution of tasks in the selected commercial FEM system. a) Introduction to selected software using finite element method. Principles of computational model creation, definition of model properties and boundary conditions, finite element mesh generation. Interpretation of solution results. b) Students are assigned individual tasks from the mechanics of a flexible body, heat conduction and fluid flow.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 6 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to gain experience with the application of the finite element method and finite volume method in the design of equipment and machines. Students will learn to use FEM and CFD software to solve advanced linear and nonlinear engineering problems. They will also learn how to create geometry and mesh, including the connection to CAD software; using the principles of effective modelling; properly defining boundary conditions; ensuring the solution's accuracy; evaluating and presenting simulation results. Students are expected to be already familiar with FEM fundamentals.
Student will get knowledge from this subject.
Modelling and simulation
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Written exam
Participation on seminars. Semestral work.
Recommended literature
MANUÁL programu ALGOR..
KOLÁŘ, V.-NĚMEC, I.-KANICKÝ, V.:. FEM principy a praxe metody konečných prvků.. Computer Press, 1997.
Logan, D., L.:. A first course in the finite element method. Cengage, 2017. ISBN 978-1-305-63734-4.
Petruška, J.:. Počítačové metody mechaniky II. Skripta v elektronické podobě. VUT Brno..
SPYRAKOS, C.:. Finite element Modeling in Engineering Practice.. Pittsburgh, 1994.
STEJSKAL, V. - STEJSKAL, S.:. Mechanika výrobních strojů a zařízení. /Skripta/. ČVUT, Praha, 1994.