Bílek Martin, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Skřivánek Josef, Ing. Ph.D.
Kovář Šimon, Ing. Ph.D.
Valtera Jan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Konečný Martin, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: " Textile fibres and their unsubstitutable role in the society development. Classification of textile fibres. Natural fibres, methods of their obtaining, basic mechanical-physical properties and principles of their processing and application. " Chemical fibres and mineral fibres, methods of their obtaining, basic mechanical-physical properties and principles of their processing and application. Marking of textile fibres. " Basis of fibre structure and possibilities of influencing of their properties. Critical fibre parameters with respect to its applicability and processing. Applicability of textile fibre as design material. Basic methods of testing of textile fibres and products. " Spinning technologies and classification of spinning machines. Yarn and its physical-mechanical properties, yarn numbering. Spin and its influence on the yarn strength. " Machinery and technological procedures in the yarn production, preparation operations, spinning itself, finishing operations. Intermediate products in the yarn production, terminology. " Spinning processes and systems of cotton and wool spinning, loosening, cleaning and mixing, carding, work of revolving flat card and roller card, regulation of delivery. " Draft regulation on draw boxes, carding machines, importance of carding, sliver preparation by converter method, cutting and tearing converter, their functions. " Drafting mechanisms - roller, tape, comb, applications, functions. Strengthening of fibre materials, methods of strengthening, twisting, permanent and false twist. Methods of the twist creation, traditional system of spinning. Ring spindle, wing spindle. " Open-end spinning, principle of rotor spinning, creation of yarn in spinning unit, comparison of properties of rotor and classical yarns. Output parameters of twisting machines. " Types of winding (twisting). Production procedure of carder yarns and combed yarns, twisting and classification of twisting machines, types of twisting yarns, systems of the ring twisting, double-twist twisting and gradual twisting, device for the production of spectacular yarns. " Material preparation for weaving and preparation machines, winding by precise and accidental winding, factors influencing the winding quality. Importance of dry taping, twisting and steaming. Methods of weaving spools winding. Spinning, types and methods of spinning, warp modifications, warping creel for spinning, accessory devices, warp guidance, knotting. " Weaving technologies, basic concepts for fabrics and fabric creation, block scheme of weaving machine and functions of its mechanisms. Classification of the weaving machines according to the systems of weft insertion, comparison of capacity and quality parameters of different systems of weaving machines. " Drives of the weaving machines, types of sheds of the weaving machines, creation of basic types of weaving weaves, weave repeating, peg plan, methods of fabric edge strengthening. " Shed mechanisms, classification, dobbies, influence of single and double lift up and down motion dobbies to the capacity of the weaving machines, jacquard machines and technological possibilities of weaving on the dobby and jacquard machines. Function scheme of driving systems of the weaving machines and technological advantages and disadvantages of these systems Seminar content: Seminar content is selected in such way that it fills in and extend the lectured subject matters. It contains mainly the individual solutions of practical exercises, mainly numeric ones. The program contains also one broader theme that will be processed by the students as seminar work.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
- Home preparation for classes
- 6 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Textile materials, their structure and basic mechanical and physical properties. Use of textile materials in the construction practice. Technology of yarn production, material preparation for weaving and knitting, weaving technology, knitting and braiding technology. Basic classification, principles and functions of spinning, weaving and knitting machines. Their performance and technical parameters. Nonwovens mechanically joined, bonded and laminated. Nanofiber Production Methods (electrospinning, force spinning, drawing, meltblown). Principles of production of various types of nanofibrous structures.
Student will get knowledge from this subject.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Written exam
Participation on seminars.
Recommended literature
&. 1. Ormerod, A. - Sondhelm, W.: Weaving (Technology and Operation). The Text. Inst., 1995 . &, &.
ADANUR, S. Handbook of Weaving, Sulzer Textile Limited. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2001. ISBN 1-58716-013-7.
Au, K.F. Advances in knitting technology, chapt. Advances in warp knitted fabric production, Knitted structures for sound absorption. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles No. 89, ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 372 5, 2011..
David J. Spencer. Knitting Technology. Cornwall. England..
KOL. Textilní a oděvní stroje I. /Skripta /. Liberec, VŠST, 1991.
LORD, P., R. Spinning. Woodhead publishing Limited Cambridge. England, 2004. ISBN 9781855739772.
ORMEROD, A., SONDHELM, W. Weaving, Technology nad Operations, The Textile Institute. Manchester: Textile Institute, 1998. ISBN 187081276X.
ROHLENA, V. a kol. Bezvřetenové předení. Praha, SNTL, 1974.
TALAVÁŠEK, O. - PLÍŠTIL, J. Příprava materiálu ke tkaní. Praha, SNTL, 1984.
TALAVÁŠEK, O. - SVATÝ, V. Bezčlunkové stavy. Praha, SNTL, 1975.