Lukáš David, prof. RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Syllabus: 1. Properties of isolated polymer molecules Polymer lattice models; Ideal string and estimate of its size; Probability of spatial distribution of segments of the ideal chain; Interaction of second successive segments; Gauss string, pattern of beads and springs Relationship between gyration radius sizes and the ideal chain length; Chains with long distance interactions; Solvent chain interaction; Temperature q and transition of the ball - globule; Internal resemblance, scalar invariance and universality 2. Concentrated polymer solutions and melts Flory-Huggins theory; Stability of the polymer mixture; Phase diagrams; Chemical potential and osmotic pressure; Block copolymers and the characteristic dimension of domains 3. Solubility theory Hildebrand solubility parameters; Components of solubility parameters and intermolecular interactions; Hansen's solubility parameters; Fractional Solubility Parameters and Teas Graphs; Types of solvents Mixed solvents; Health risks associated with the use of solvents 4. Polymer gels Elasticity of the polymer chain; Single-axis Affine Deformation of Polymer Networks; Limited flexibility of polymer networks; Elasticity of entangled polymeric networks; Swelling of gels 5. Polymer Dynamics in Diluted Solutions General Theory of Brownian Movement; Rouse's model of macromolecule dynamics; Zimm's model of macromolecule dynamics 6. Basics of statistical physics Statistical physics and thermodynamics; Simple Quantum Model - Markov's Random Field; Microchannelic set and entropy; Canonical set - two systems in thermal contact; Grand Chancellor - two systems in diffuse contact; Statistical sums and potentials 7. Glass transition Thermodynamics of glass transition; Determination of glass transition temperature; Mechanical Properties of Glass Polymers 8. Crystalline polymers Structure of the basic crystalline cell; Thermodynamics of crystallization; Kinetics of nucleation and crystal growth; Morphology of semi-crystalline polymers; Crystallization kinetics in volume
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Independent creative and artistic activities
Learning outcomes
This subject reinforces the knowledge of Ph.D. students in the field of polymer physics. Polymer physics studies polymer conformations, fluctuations, solubility, mechanical properties, etc. Polymers are investigated here using methods of condensed matter physics. Physics of polymers is introduced as a branch of statistical physics and as a part of the science of polymers as well. Polymers are presented in this study subject as extensive and very complex linear molecules. The analysis of their properties is very difficult using straightforward deterministic methods. Therefore, this subject is based on statistical approaches that provide satisfactory results because macromolecules are analytically treatable in the thermodynamic limit of infinitely many monomer units. Students who passed the Master study course "Polymer Physics will concentrate in particular on Chapters 5-8 of the Syllabus. Those who have not completed this study subject will study chapters 1-4 individually with the support of consultations.
The student will acquire detailed knowledge of the subject in the area according to the approval of the Branch Board
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
oral examination before a committee appointed by the Dean. Written work in the recommended range of 20 pages.
Recommended literature
Doi M. Introduction to Polymer Physics. ISBN 10: 0198517890.
Hiemenz, P. C., Lodge, T. Polymer chemistry, CRC Press, 2007, ISBN 1574447793, 9781574447798.
Rubinstein M, Colby R H. Polymer Physics?, Oxford University Press 2003, USA , ISBN-13: 978-0198520597.