Exner Milan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Palata Oldřich, Mgr.
Course content
Lectures: 1. The area and the subject of aesthetics, the relationship of aesthetics and philosophy, the relationship of aesthetics and related disciplines, the relationship of aesthetics as a science and aesthetics as a program. 2. Man and aesthetic learning facts, subjective experience of beauty, beauty in nature, the beauty of non-artistic artifacts, beauty in art. 3. Aesthetics and art. The concept of art, the creation of arts and crafts, art classification, the specificity of the arts, the art of " higher" and " lower", society and personality of the artist. 4. History aesthetic systems: ancient Greece and Rome, the Early Middle Ages and the rise of Christianity, the Renaissance and humanism, European thought and aesthetics in the 17th - 18th century, European thought and aesthetics in the 19th century, Czech overview of the history of aesthetics. 5. Aesthetics 20th century and its reflection in practice: ornament and technology, life style, taste and bad taste, and standard and fashion, prototype and original, industrial visual arts, design, virtual art. Aesthetic education, arts and culture, access to artistic, aesthetic perception, aesthetic and social norms, etiquette (protocol). Practice: processing and reading a paper or essay on a given topic.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Individual consultation, Seminár, Students' portfolio, Students' self-study
- Semestral paper
- 30 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report)
- 30 hours per semester
- Individual project
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 30 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The area and the subject of aesthetics, the relationship to philosophy and the others sciences. Man and aesthetic learning facts, aesthetics and art, aesthetic education, a brief history of aesthetics. Aesthetics 20th century and its reflection in practice.
Knowledge of the lectured subject.
Knowledge in the course History of Art and Clothing Culture.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Essay, Presentation of acquired knowledge via paper
Credit: attendance at seminars, elaboration of essay on given topic. Exam: oral, defense of semestral work.
Recommended literature
ECO, U. Dějiny krásy, Praha, Nakladatelství ARGO, 2005, 440 s., ISBN 80-7203-677-7..
GILBERTOVÁ, K. E., KUHN, H. Dějiny estetiky, Praha, SNKLU, 1965, 504 s., ISBN 01-056-65-09/1..
HENCKMANN, W., LOTTER, K. Estetický slovník, Praha, Nakladatelství SVOBODA, 1995, 230 s., 09/1 25-025-95, ISBN 80--2050-478-8..
JŮZL, M., PROKOP, D. Úvod do estetiky, Praha, Nakladatelství Panorama, 1989, 427 s., ISBN 80-7038-051-9..
MOKREJŠ, A., SVOBODA, K., NOVÁ, M., PATOČKA, J. Studie o počátcích uvažování o kráse v antickém Řecku, Praha, VŠUP, 1997, 176 s., ISBN 80-85917-34-3..
STÖRIG, H. J. Malé dějiny filosofie, Praha, Nakladatelství ZVON, 1995, 560 s., ISBN 80-7192-500-4..
VOLEK, J. Kapitoly z dějin estetiky, Praha, Vydavatelství PANTON, 1985, 270 s..
WEISCHEDEL, W. Zadní schodiště filosofie, Praha, Nakladatelství Votobia, 1995, s. 280, ISBN 80-7198-015-3..
ZUZKA, V. Estetika, Praha, Nakladatelství TRITON, 2001, 132 s., ISBN 80-7254-194-3..