Drašarová Jana, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Courses: 1. Basic terms and categories of high functional textiles. 2. Technological possibilities of incorporation of functional elements into the structure of textile materials. 3. Utilization of structure and properties of textile fibres for assurance of specific function of textile. 4. Utilization of structure of yarns for assurance of specific function of textile. 5. Utilization of woven fabric structure for assurance of specific function of textile. 6. Utilization of knitted fabric structure for assurance of specific function of textile. 7. Application of high functional and intelligent textiles in health service (surgical implants, medical aids, special dressing material, using of intelligent textiles for diagnostics and monitoring, etc.). 8. Application of high functional and intelligent textiles for protective work clothing (clean rooms, medical personnel, extreme climatic conditions, etc.). 9. Application of high functional and intelligent textiles in army (military clothing system, camouflage shelters, ballistics protective material, biological and chemical war protection. 10. Application of high functional and intelligent textiles for sport and leisure time. 11. Application of high functional and intelligent textiles for engineering (geo-tech, agro-tech, textiles for road transport, railage, air traffic, sea transport). 12. Application of highly functional and intelligent textiles for interior and home furnishing. 13. Ostatní vysoce funkční a inteligentní textilie, multifunkční textilie, textilní elektronika, oděvní počítače. 14. Možnosti a výsledky VaV na Fakultě textilní TUL (praktické ukázky). 13. Other high functional and intelligent textiles, multifunctional textiles. Textile electronics, clothing computers. 14. Possibilities and results of R&D at the Faculty of Textile Engineering (practical examples).
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Individual consultation, Practicum, E-learning, Students' self-study
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 40 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 50 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course focuses on the presentation of high-functional and adaptive (smart) materials and structures engineered by textile technologies. It deals with explanation of basic principles and possible applications in clothing and technical textiles. The students are introduced to the main areas of application of high-performance textile materials - high-performance textiles in health care, sports, protective workwear, industrial applications, in the military. Smart textiles are also included.
Knowledge lectured subject.
Basic knowledge of textiles in general.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Test
Graded credit for 70% of points obtained in the final test of knowledge.
Recommended literature
HORROCKS, A. R., ANAND, S. C. Handbook of technical textiles. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge England, 559 s., ISBN 1 85573 385 4..
LIZÁK, P., MILITKÝ, J. Technické textílie. Nadácia pre rozvoj textilného vysokého školstva v Ružomberku - M Print. 2002..