Course title | Physics |
Course code | KFY/FYZ |
Organizational form of instruction | Lecture + Lesson |
Level of course | Bachelor |
Year of study | not specified |
Semester | Winter |
Number of ECTS credits | 6 |
Language of instruction | Czech |
Status of course | Compulsory, Compulsory-optional |
Form of instruction | Face-to-face |
Work placements | Course does not contain work placement |
Recommended optional programme components | None |
Course availability | The course is available to visiting students |
Lecturer(s) |
Course content |
1. Fundamentals of mathematics. Physical quantities, SI units, dimension analysis. 2. Kinematics of mass point - reference frame, coordinate system, trajectory, velocity and acceleration. Linear motion at constant speed and constant acceleration. Circular motion. 3. Dynamics of mass point - force, mass and momentum. Force addition and equilibrium. Newton laws, first momentum law. Density and its measurement. 4. Forces of gravity, friction, contact. Newton's gravity law, gravity field. Equation of motion for point mass. Inertial and noninertial coordinate system, Galilei's principle of relativity, inertial and centrifugal force. 5. Mechanics of system of particles and rigid body. Translational and rotational motion. Center of mass, center of gravity. Torque, angular momentum, second momentum law, moment of inertia. 6. Impulse, momentum, work, power, kinetic and potential energy. Conservation laws of momentum, angular momentum and mechanical energy. 7. Mechanics of solid bodies. Elasticity of materials. Stress and strain, elastic modulus, Hook's law. Stress vs. strain curve, elastic and nonelastic deformations. 8. Heat - temperature, specific heat, phase transformations and specific latent heat, heat capacity. Ideal gas, equation of state. Air humidity, surface tension, osmosis. 9. Heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation. heat conductivity, heat conductivity coefficient and equation of heat conductivity for stationary case. 10. Electrostatics - Coulomb's law, distribution of charges on conductors and dielectrics, electric induction, electric dipole. Electricl current, resistance, Ohm's law, power of electric current. 11. Wave optics, interference of light, refrection index, reflection and refraction of light, total reflection. 12. Ray optics, mirrors, lenses. 13. Eye sight principle, space resolution, spectral sensitivity of eye, Purkyně effect. Tutorials: Tutorials are devoted to the calculation of problems for studied topis.
Learning activities and teaching methods |
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing)
Learning outcomes |
Kinematics, dynamics, heat, electrostatics, light.
Fundamental knowledge of physics for selected topics. |
Prerequisites |
Fundamental knowledge of mathematics
Assessment methods and criteria |
Oral exam, Written exam
The activity on seminars and successful passing tests are required for credit. Examination is in written and oral form. The knowledge of lectured topics is required. Distant education - Tutorials and lectures are on-line in Google Meet, tests for record and exam partly on-line in written form ( and partly in oral form. |
Recommended literature |
Study plans that include the course |
Faculty | Study plan (Version) | Category of Branch/Specialization | Recommended semester | |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (2016) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile marketing (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile and Fashion Design - Textile Design and Technology (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | - | Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (2016) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile Technologies, Materials and Nanomaterials (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Clothing Production and Management of Clothing Trade (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | 1 | Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile and Fashion Design - Design of fashion accessories and interior objects (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | - | Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter |
Faculty: Faculty of Textile Engineering | Study plan (Version): Textile and Fashion Design - Textile and fashion design (Liberec) (2012) | Category: Textile production and clothing industry | - | Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Winter |