Myslivcová Světlana, Ing. Ph.D.
Ungerman Otakar, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Burešová Jitka, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures (topics): 1. Specifics of marketing of manufacturing enterprises, industrial marketing, B-2-B, B-2-C marketing. 2. Marketing concepts and strategies of manufacturing enterprises, relationship, holistic, ecological marketing, marketing 4.0. 3. Value provided to customers and its creation in manufacturing enterprises, customer as a buyer and consumer. 4. Customer value for the enterprise. 5. Database marketing, RFM analysis. 6. Differentiated customer relationship management (CRM). 7. Product marketing, quality and brand, brand building. 8. Supplier-customer relationships and forms of cooperation, distribution channels and relationships. 9. Marketing communication of manufacturing companies. 10. Corporate communication. 11. Personnel marketing (history, importance, marketing mix in PM I). 12. Marketing mix in personnel marketing II. 13. Internal and external personnel marketing. 14. Pre-term. Seminars (topics): 1. Introduction of the course, explaining terms and conditions to pass the course. 2.B2B and B2C marketplace specifics, industrial marketing and new trends 3. Relational, holistic and ecological marketing. 4. Value provided to customers and customer value for business. 5. Database marketing, RFM analysis. 6. CRM in industrial businesses. 7. New products development, building strong brand. 8. Supplier and customer relationships, distribution channels. 9. Digitization process, case study Škoda Auto. 10. Presentations of seminar thesis, personnel marketing . 11. Presentations of seminar thesis. 12. Presentations of seminar thesis, discussion, backlog.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to introduce students to the issues of marketing in manufacturing enterprises and to point out the particularities of such marketing in relation to a customer as a purchaser and a consumer. Further, the subject introduces students to relationship marketing, CRM, and other aspects of marketing in terms of manufacturing enterprises
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Credit: A condition for obtaining credit is the completion of a term paper, in which the student based on the assignment demonstrates mastery of the required knowledge and the ability to apply it to practical examples. The term paper assignment may be individual or group. Examination: written examination
Recommended literature
KOTLER, P. a G. ARMSTRONG. Principles of Marketing. 2015.
KOTLER, P., H. KARTAJAYA a I. SETIAWAN. Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital.. Hoboken: Wiley and Sons, 2017. ISBN 978-1-119-34120-8.
TOMEK, G. a V. VÁVROVÁ. Střety marketingu. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2004. ISBN 978-80-7179-887-3.
TOMEK, G. a V. VÁVROVÁ. Více tržního úspěchu. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4486-5.
TOMEK,G. a V. VÁVROVÁ. Integrované řízení výroby: od operativního řízení výroby k dodavatelskému řetězci.. Praha: Grada, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4486-5.
TOMEK,G. a V. VÁVROVÁ. Průmysl 4.0. Nikdo sám nevyhraje.. Průhonice: Professional Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9788090659445.