Vik Michal, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Content: 1. Basic optical phenomenon and their description, wave optic and geometric optic, wave, rays, rays travel in the straight lines them divergence, change cross-selection diver straight lines rays, make close rays in coherent and noncoherent light, reflection and bend close rays, planparallel board. 2. Radiation absolutely blackbody, source of light, transmission light throught the substance, Lambert-Beer law, UV - VIS spectroscopy, IR spectrophotometry, Raman spectroscopy) 3. Optical activity, dichroism, polarization, dispersed light, light transfer by birefringence lath, ordinary and auxiliary ray transfer linear polarised light by birefringence substance, eliptic polarization, polarimetry, luminiscence, fluorimetry, interferometry. 4. Microscopy I (Theory of working and constructoin of light microscope. Calculation of scaling, difference limit and numeric aperture, EPI and DIA lighting, polarising microscopy, phase contrast, Hoffman's modulation contrast.) 5. Microscopy II (Confocal microscopy, Multifoton confocal microscopy, Confocal microscopy in material engineering, measurement in microscopy, Electron microscopy, Microscopy by scanning probe) 6. Basic colorimetry I (Light definition, lighting, Light sources, Technics, Spectrofotometry, colorimetry and goniospectrofotometry apparatus. Techniques of contactless measuring, multispectral analysis) 7. Basic colorimetry II (Colorimetric system CIE XYZ, CIELUV and UCS) 8. Equations for colour difference calculation dE*, dE DCI95, dE DIN6176, CMC, CIE 1994 and CIE 2000, shade classification- 555 and classification. 9. Recipe calculation I (BDTF and BDRF, Kubelka- Munk theory. BSRDF). 10. Recipe calculation II (Spectrofotometric and colorimetric methods of calculating coloring recipes. Correction of recipes. 11. Color management (ICC profiles, CAM)
Learning activities and teaching methods
Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Independent creative and artistic activities, Individual consultation, Seminár
Learning outcomes
This course presents the general point of views of the optical properties of solids and gives an overview of the landscape of optics in solid-state materials, especially focusing on optical imaging techniques and colorimetry. It presents the background of electromagnetic theory, which is based on Maxwell's equations. It shows how to manipulate Maxwell's equations in differential forms by utilizing vector analysis and how to calculate the electric field emerging from a single charge and from charge distributions in conductors and dielectrics under Maxwell's boundary conditions. It analyzes the optical spectra from localized electronic states and goes over some well-known phenomena currently under research. It also gives a background on optical microscopy, focusing on the optical response of modern confocal microscopy on textile materials, and introduces optical tomographic techniques to identify the locations and profiles of matter, concentrating on fluorescence diffuse optical tomography used as a probe in deep biological tissue. Colorimety (perception of color, colorimetric system, color difference, color management, theory about BDTF and BDRF, calculation formulas).
The student will acquire detailed knowledge of the subject in the area according to the approval of the Branch Board
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
oral examination before a committee appointed by the Dean. Written work in the recommended range of 20 pages.
Recommended literature
BILLMEYER, F. W. Jr., SALTZMAN, M. Principles of Color Technology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2000. ISBN 978-0471194590.
BORDO, V.G. RUBAHN, H.G. Optics and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2005. ISBN 3-527-40560-7.
CLOUD, G. Optical Methods of Engineering Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN 978-0521636421.
GREEN, P., MACDONALD, L. Colour Engineering. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002. ISBN 978-0-471-48688-6.
HUNTER, R.S., HAROLD, R.W. The Measurement of Appearance. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. ISBN 978-0-471-83006-1.
KITTEL, CH. Úvod do fyziky pevných látek. Praha: Academia, 1985.
KUEHNI, R. Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles. John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1997. ISBN 978-0471145660.
MACDONALD, L., LUO, M. R. Colour Imaging: Vision and Technology. John Wiley and Sons,New York, 1999. ISBN 978-0-471-98531-0.
PETHRICK, R.A., DAWKINS, J.V. Modern Techniques for Polymer Characterisation. John Wiley&Sons Ltd., 2003. ISBN 978-0471960973.
SCHRÖDER, G. Technická optika. SNTL, 1981.
VIK, M. Colorimetry in Textile Industry. Liberec: VÚTS Liberec, 2017.