Wiener Jakub, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Content: - Chemistry of natural and synthetic polymers. Identification of chemical damage, possibilities of chemical modification of polymers. - Basic principles of finishing operations including dyeing and printing of textiles, introduction to chemistry of dyes and pigments. - Chemistry of surfactants and detergents, behavior of surfactants in aqueous solutions, textiles washing, ionogenity. - New approaches and technological innovations in textile chemistry. - Surface modification of fiber surfaces by enzymes, plasma and other methods.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Independent creative and artistic activities, Individual consultation, Seminár
Learning outcomes
Aims of the course unit is improvement of students' knowledge in the field of textile chemistry and presentation of connections between the fiber structure and its behavior in standard and advanced finishing operations. Attention is also paid to surfactants and dyes, such as chemicals used in textile finishing.
The student will acquire detailed knowledge of the subject in the area according to the approval of the Branch Board
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
oral examination before a committee appointed by the Dean. Written work in the recommended range of 20 pages.
Recommended literature
ARSHADY, R. Microspheres, Microcapsuls and Liposomes. Citus Books, London, 1999, 1999.
KRYŠTŮFEK, J., WIENER, J. Barvení textilií I. skriptum TU, Liberec, 2008. ISBN 9788073723286.
KRYŠTŮFEK, J., WIENER, J., MACHAŇOVÁ D. Barvení textilií II. TU Liberec, 2011. ISBN 978807372796.
MILES, L.W.C. Textile Printing. Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1994. ISBN 0901956570.
PETERS, R. H. Textile chemistry. Amsterdam, 1975. ISBN 0444411208.
PRÁŠIL, M. Advanced and Specialised Textile Processing ( Part I - Textile Printing ). 2005.
SHINHOO, R. Plasma textile technologies for textiles. Cambridge, 2007. ISBN 9781845692575.
SCHINDLER, W. D., HAUSER, P. J. Chemical finishing of textiles. Woodhead Publishing in textiles, 2004. ISBN 1 85573 905 4.