Pechočiaková Miroslava, Ing. Ph.D.
Porkertová Jindra, Ing.
Nováková Jitka, Ing.
Novotná Jana, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Introduction, history of fibers 2. Fibers chemical composition 3. Polymeric chains properties 4. Fibers morphology 5. Fibers properties I (geometrical, surface) 6. Fibers properties II (sorption, thermal) 7. Fibers properties III (mechanical, time dependent mechanical) 8. Fibers manufacturing 9. Cellulosic fibers 10. Protein fibers 11. Chemical fibers 12. Synthetic fibers I (polyamides) 13. Synthetic fibers II (polyesters) 14. Synthetic fibers III (POP, acrylic fibers) Laboratory works: Its content complements the lecture: 1. Safety regulations, credit conditions. 2. Distribution of fibers. Light microscopy, microscope adjustment. 3. Preparation of the specimen, preparation of cross sections. 4. Microscopy of plant fibers. 5. Microscopy of animal fibers. 6. Microscopy of chemical and synthetic fibers. 7. Determining the material composition of mixed yarns. 8. Cotton. 9. Distinction of viscose and acetate fibers. 10. Melting point of thermoplastics. 11. Distinction of polyester and polyamide fibers. 12. Combustion tests of fibers. 13. Fiber identification test. 14. Credit.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work, Lecture
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 12 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 50 hours per semester
- Preparation for laboratory testing; outcome analysis
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 50 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Structure, properties and use of all basic types of textile fibers. Processes of natural fibers acquisition, structural characteristics and properties affecting their processing, resp. use. Specialties of chemical fiber production, structure formation and all basic properties. Fiber composition and its influence on properties. Basic areas of textile application.
Theoretical and practical knowledge dealing with content of lectures and excercises
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam
Lectures are compulsory for students. Credit: participation in all laboratory courses, elaboration of semestral work, successfully passed final test (identification of given fibrous specimen) Exam: written
Recommended literature
Blažej, A., Šutá, Š. Vlastnosti textilních vlákien. Alfa, Bratislava 1981.
Cook, J. Gordon. Handbook of textile fibres.. Woodhead, 2001.
Hladík, V. Textilní vlákna. SNTL, Praha 1971.
Militký,J. Textilní vlákna, klasická a speciální, Fakulta textilní TUL 2002..