Kuta Antonín, doc. Ing. CSc.
Course content
1. Properties of isolated polymer molecules 1.1 Polymer lattice models 1.2 Ideal string and estimate of its size 1.3 Probability of spatial distribution of ideal chain segments 1.4 Interaction of second consecutive segments 1.5 Gaussian chain, pattern of beads and springs 1.6 Relationship between gyration radius sizes and the ideal chain length 1.7 Chain with Long Distance Interaction 1.8 Solvent chain interaction 1.9 Temperature ? and transition of the ball - globule 1.10 Inner similarity, scalar invariance and chain universality 2. Concentrated polymer solutions and melts 2.1 Flory-Huggins theory 2.2 Stability of the polymer mixture 2.3 Phase diagrams 2.4 Chemical potential and osmotic pressure 2.5 Block copolymers and the characteristic dimension of domains 3. The solubility theory of polymers 3.1 Solutions and Hyldebrand solubility parameter 3.2 Hansen Solubility Parameters 3.3 Broken Solubility Parameters and Teas Graphs 3.4 Types of solvents 3.5 Mixed solvents 3.6 Health risks associated with the use of solvents 4. Polymer gels 4.1 Elasticity of the polymer chain 5. Basics of statistical physics 5.1 Statistická fyzika a termodynamika 5.2 Jednoduchý kvantový model - Markovovo náhodné pole 5.3 Mikrokanonický soubor a entropie Students write two tests during the semester and in the credit week. The exam consists of a written and an oral part.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Demonstration, Laboratory work
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 28 hours per semester
- Semestral paper
- 28 hours per semester
- Graduate study programme term essay
- 28 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Polymer physics is an area of science that has undergone a great evolution over past decades, owing to quite new concepts. Lectures on Polymer Physics represent an introduction to the modern theory of polymer physics. The attention is given to basic concepts and methods of investigating the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules. The topics include further dynamic properties of polymers in solutions, melts and gels, concentration fluctuation, solubility and mechanical properties.
Student acquire knowledges of subject.
Any one
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Credit: Participation on seminars. Exam: writtten + oral
Recommended literature
DOI, Masao. Introduction to Polymer Physics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. ISBN 0198517890.
Hiemenz, P. C., Lodge, T. Polymer chemistry, CRC Press, 2007, ISBN 1574447793, 9781574447798.
Lukas D., Vodsedalkova K., Chaloupek J., Mikes P., Komarek M., Kostakova E., Raab M., Sarkar A. Fyzika polymerů, Nakladatelství Technická univerzita v Liberci 2008, Liberec.
Pouchlý, J. Fyzikální chemie makromolekulárních a koloidních soustav. VŠCHT, Praha, 2001.
Rubinstein M, Colby R H. Polymer Physics.