Holec Pavel, Ing.
Pokorný Pavel, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Kalous Tomáš, Ing. Ph.D.
Jirkovec Radek, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to fibrous nanomaterials Basic concepts and definitions of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Why nano; Fundamentals of nature, basic principles of production, properties and advantages of textile nanomaterials, essence of textile materials processing at nanoscale, definitions. 2. Electrospinning - introduction Generally, the possibilities of production of polymeric nanofibers (drawing, melt blown, bicomponent fibers of the islands in the sea, etc.) with an emphasis on the introduction to electrospinning - basic terminology and characteristics. 3. Electrospinning - principles Principles of electrospinning (Taylor cone, Rayleigh instability, needle and needle-less spinning, etc.), Material and process conditions. 4. Electrospinning - production Possibilities of influencing the production of polymeric nanofibres (influence of properties of liquids for spinning, influence of machine parameters and spinning conditions). 5. Electrospinning - basic materials, final properties and applications Types of polymers for electrospinning, properties of electrospun nanofibres, application possibilities, modification of nanofibres (surface treatment, carbonization, etc.) 6. Electrospinning - modification Special collectors - nanofibres arrangement, coaxial electrospinning (nanofibres of the core-shell), nanofibrous side-by-side, porous nanofibres, nanofibrous threads, hybrid threads, AC electrospinning, wet electrospinning. 7. Electrospinning - production equipment on the market (manufacturers, comparisons, samples) 8. Electrospinning - application of resulting materials, products on the market 9. Carbon nanotubes - structure Introduction to the issue of carbon nanomaterials not only fibrous (fuels, single-carbon carbon nanotubes, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, etc.) - structural characteristics. 10. Carbon nanotubes - production Production possibilities of carbon nanotubes, production processes, carbon sources, etc. 11. Carbon nanotubes - properties and utilization Description of selected properties of carbon nanotubes (chemical reactivity, electrical conductivity, mechanical properties, etc.). Introducing specific applications of carbon nanotubes. 12. Composite materials Composite materials reinforced with carbon nanotubes or electrospun nanofibers as primary or secondary reinforcement. Composite nanofibers. 13. Testing of nanomaterials - microscopy, chemical composition, examples of the use of devices in the study of nanofibrous materials: SEM, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atom force microscopy (AFM), Infrared spectroscopy, Raman infrared spectroscopy, EDS-SEM analysis, etc. 14. Health risks when working with nanomaterials Risks of processing carbon nanotubes and nanofibres, risks in the production of electrostatically spun nanofibers from non-aqueous solutions, Exercises: Laboratory tasks performed mostly in pairs related to the lectured subject. Students are familiar with fiber nanomaterials and participate in their production and testing. They prepare a protocol from each exercise.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Laboratory work, E-learning
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic principles of production technologies especially of polymer nanofibres and carbon nanotubes. This course deals with students' introduction to fiber nanomaterials in terms of their production, distribution, testing and, of course, their application. Students are theoretically and practically acquainted with electrostatic spinning technology as efficient production of nanofibrous layers, with conditions influencing the electrostatic spinning process, with properties of resulting nanofibrous layers and possibilities of their utilization. The students are represented by carbon nanotubes, their production, properties and use, as well as the possibilities of production of composite materials containing nanofibrous materials, their properties and application. Special procedures for testing materials composed of nanofibers, which are often very different from traditional techniques, are also presented. Students are familiar with the potential risks of production and processing of nanofibrous materials.
Experience with electrospinning technology - with manufacturing of electrospun nanofibers from nontoxic solutions, usage of electron microscopy for visualization of nanofiber materials (electrospun nanofibers, carbon nanotubes), testing of electrospun nanofiber layers, and usage of software for carbon nanotube structure visualization, etc.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Oral exam, Written exam
Seminar project, exam
Recommended literature
Bhushan, B.: Springer. Handbook of Nanotechnology. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
Huang, Z.-M., Zhang, Y.-Z., Kotaki, M., Ramakrishna,S. A review on polymer nanofibers by electrospinning and their applications in nanocomposites. 2003.
Lukáš D Sarkar A Martinová L Vodseďálková K Lubasová D Chaloupek J Pokorný P Mikeš P Chvojka J Komárek M. Physical principles of electrospinning (Electrospinning as a nano-scale technology of twenty-first century), Textile Progress, 41 (2009), 59-140, ISSN 0040-5167, ISBN-13:978-0-415-55823-5..
Ramakrishna, S., et al. An Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofibers, World Scientific Publishing, 2005, ISBN 981-256-415-2.