Mazari Adnan Ahmed, Ing. Ph.D.
Obsah předmětu
Lectures: 1. Introduction. Importance, history and function of the garment 2. Basic knowledge of production technology. (Spinning, weaving, knitting processing into garment production) 3. Flow chart of production processes in the clothing industry. (From Fabric to Clothing) 4. Spreading and cutting process in garment production. 5. Design of clothing and comfort of clothing. 6. Sewing processes. Basic principles and analysis of stitching. Parts of sewing machine, mechanisms, types of sewing machines. Unconventional bonding: gluing, welding, riveting and ultrasonic welding. 7. Application of advanced production systems in clothing manufacturing technology. 8. Shaping process; ironing and shaping of clothing materials. Types of irons, presses and ironing mannequins. Exercises: 1. Clothing materials. Features of clothing materials. Types of garment materials. Special materials. Sewing threads, their types, properties and parameters. 2. Cutting and marker making efficiency. 3. Consumption of material and calculation of costs for the creation of clothing. 4. Evaluation of fabric parameters. 5. Theoretical calculation of fabric costings. 6. Economical calculation of clothing production. 7. Sewing threads, yarn consumption calculations and seam strength. 8. Economic aspects of clothing. The amount of material, time requirement and the cost of producing clothing. 9. Stitches, ISO standards, basic principles of stitching. Seams, ISO standards, apparel in apparel. 10. Unconventional ways of joining. 11. Use of thermo camera and high-speed camera for evaluation of sewing processes. 12. Using Microsoft Excel in the clothing industry. (practical examples) 13. Writing reports on garment production. (practical examples) 14. Discussion on professional topics for oral presentation of the semester paper.
Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Samostatná práce studentů (studium textů, literatury, problémové úkoly,výzkum, pisemná práce), Laboratorní praktika, Přednáška, Prezentace práce studentů
- Příprava na zápočet
- 15 hodin za semestr
- Účast na výuce
- 42 hodin za semestr
- Příprava prezentace (referátu)
- 10 hodin za semestr
- Příprava na laboratorní měření, zpracování výsledků
- 25 hodin za semestr
- Příprava na zkoušku
- 28 hodin za semestr
Výstupy z učení
Hlavním cílem předmětu je poskytnout studentům základní přehled v oboru technologie a oděvní výroby. Předmět je vyučován v anglickém jazyce. Předmět se zabývá problematikou textilních technologií, výroby oděvů, strojů a zařízení v oděvní výrobě. Studenti si prohloubí své znalosti v odborné terminologii, lépe porozumí oceňování, merchandisingu a celkovým výrobním systémům oděvního průmyslu.
Znalost probrané látky tohoto předmětu.
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Kombinovaná zkouška
Full time: Its mandatory to attend 75% of the exercise lessons Credit: The assignments will be uploaded to E-learning and students must upload all the assignments before the deadline Exam: The examination will have multiple choice questions and short answers. ( 25min exam) Distance learning: Credit: There is no assignment but students must attend the lessons. Exam: The examination will have multiple choice questions and short answers. ( 25min exam)
Doporučená literatura
CUSHMAN, L. A Practical Approach to Merchandising Mathematics Revised First Edition. 2015. ISBN 978-1501395406.
JANACE, E. Apparel Production Terms and Processes. 2011. ISBN 978-1563677625.
KUNZ, G., RUTH, G. Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis. 4th Edition, 2004. ISBN 978-0131119826.
NAYAK, R., PADHYE, R. Garment Manufacturing Technology. Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles, 2015. ISBN 978-1782422327.
PAUL, R. Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications. 2015. ISBN 978-0857098436.
PAULA, J. Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package. 2010. ISBN 978-1563678691.