Nemčoková Renáta, Ing.
Komárková Petra, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Course programme: 1. Computer technology in clothing production. Possibilities innovation of apparel production for customisation. 2. The production garments for individual person by the MTM method (Made To Measure). 3. Fitting and alteration of pattern considering to size table of garment. Rightly basic understanding of the variation in figure shapes and the appropriate pattern modification. Pattern alteration according to the wearer´s; bone structure, posture, body size and contour. 4. Computer graphics - theory, input and output devices, applications, product development. Use of 3D printing in product development. 5. Design Concept 3D - software for developing patterns from 3D objects. Creating 2D pattern from 3D design for prototyping. Choosing the material from a pre-defined library. Defining mechanical properties of fabrics for simulation, stress analysis and measurement of pattern deformation. 6. Theory of construction process for automatic construction of garment by CAD system in 2D. Creation macro for pattern modification. 7. Scanning the surface of the human body and its applications. Advanced 3D pattern design systems for design of garment. Application examples of CAD systems. Practice: 1. Assessing the figure shape and garment fit. Determination of proportionality of the human body. 2. Pattern alteration according to wearer´s: posture, bone structure, body size and contour. 3.CAD technology for customisation, computerised made-to-measure systems (MTM) and mass customisation. 4. Solution of design defects of clothing in connection with the type of somatic deviation by means of computer graphics. Lectra Modaris PGS commands related to modeling of garments and creation of macros. 5. Solution for evaluating fit of garment: kyphotic and lordotic posture, figures with scoliosis. Creating a macro in CAD system 6. Solution for evaluating fit of garment: close or open stance, etc. Creating a macro in CAD system. 7. Practical work - pattern modification using MTM software. 8. Realization of Order using MTM software for individual clothing production. 9. Use of software PDS Tailor XQ for custom production of clothing - tailored. 10. Advanced 2D and 3D pattern design systems, their functions and use in displaying clothing on a virtual figure and 3D object creation. 11. Basic menu of commands in the program AutoCAD in 2D - practical examples of use in the design of clothing patterns. 12. Basic menu of commands in AutoCAD in 3D environment - practical examples of use in object design. 13. Excursions (production of clothing made-to-measure). 14. Presentation and defence of project according to assignment.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Written assignment presentation and defence, Individual creative and artistic activities, E-learning
- Preparation for credit
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for formative assessments
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 40 hours per semester
- Individual project
- 33 hours per semester
- Fieldtrips
- 5 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 20 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 42 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Advanced 3D pattern design systems. Application of the MTM method (Made To Measure) for the production of tailored clothing. Fitting and alteration of pattern considering to size table of garment. A good basic understanding of the variation in figure shapes and the appropriate pattern modification. Pattern alteration according to the wearer´s; bone structure, posture, body size and contour. Evaluation the fit of the garment in relation to the body structure. Using CAD technology for customisation. Principles of shared data related to individual clothing production. Design Concept - software for developing patterns from 3D objects. Creating 2D pattern from 3D design for prototyping. Principle of human body scanning. Use of CAD system CATIA and AutoCAD for applications in clothing and automotive production.
Students will acquire knowledge from the area of this subject.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Credit: Fulfil the particular task. Elaboration of tasks 1, 2 according to the assignment. Exam: Writing and oral.
Recommended literature
ALDRICH, W. Fabric, Form and Flat Pattern Cutting. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 1996. ISBN 13-978-1405136204.
BOND TERRY. Computer-Aided Pattern Design and Product Development. Blackwell Science (UK), 2003. ISBN 1405102837.
BRAY, N. Dress fitting. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003. ISBN 0- 632- 06499- 4.
BRAY, N. HAGAR, A. Dress Pattern Designing - the Basic Principles of Cut and Fit.. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003. ISBN 0- 632- 06501-X.
LIECHTY, E., RASBAND, J., POTTBERG-STEINECKERT, D. Fitting and Pattern Alteration: A Multi-Method Approach to the Art of Style Selection, Fitting and Alteration.. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2016. ISBN 978-1628929720.
MUSILOVÁ, B., GLOMBÍKOVÁ, V., KOMÁRKOVA, P. Základy konstruování oděvů. 1.vyd.Liberec, TUL 2003. ISBN 80-7083-783-7.