Mazari Adnan Ahmed, Ing. Ph.D.
Havelka Antonín, doc. Ing. CSc.
Hercíková Eva, Ing.
Course content
Course programme 1. Introduction - The impact of globalization and position clothing industry. Overview of machines used in the clothing industry. 2. Joining fabrics in the clothing industry, joining sewing, history, present. 3. Theory of stitch, stitch formation 301 Analysis, analysis of forces, the dynamics of stress sewing thread, needles. 4. Characterization bound and chain stitch, stitch class 5. Bobbin thread devices of the sewing machine. Active, passive bobbin thread device, reciprocal links bobbin thread device (cyclogram). 6. Automation of the sewing process. General terms of automation, drives sewing machines, the operations that can be automated. 7. Special sewing machines. Machines buttonhole sewing, machine sewing elements shaped sewing machines, single-purpose units, punches, Embroidery machines, azure sewing machines, tambur sewing machines. 8. Sewing machine needle, stitch formation dynamics, mechanical and dynamic stress of sewing machine needles 9. Unconventional methods of joining - overview of methods: gluing, welding, riveting, ultrasonic, high frequency.... 10. Forming process in clothing production and temperature influence on the mechanical properties of textile materials, thermal properties of the fibers, the physical principle of heat for fiber, polymer behavior with increasing temperature, transition states, mechanical stress and permanent deformations. 11. The effect of humidity on the mechanical properties of textile materials during ironing. The mechanism of sorption of moisture, change properties, changes proportions of textile materials, machines, ironing and shaping. 12. Heat transfer during forming. The basic definition of heat, temperature, heat flow, types of heat transfer - conduction, convection and radiation heat. Transfers of heat by conduction, convection and radiation - basic calculations of heat transfer. 13. Basic principles taped clothing materials, gumming machines. 14. Logistics and transport systems. Practice Exercise by its content follows the lecture - practicing material explained during the lecture.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work, Lecture, Students' portfolio
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 16 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 45 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 35 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 55 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report)
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 45 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the theoretical principles of clothing machines at all grade of garment production, with an emphasis on clarifying the principles and technical level machines with automation and robotics manufacturing process in the context of globalization, clothing and apparel production. Special attention is devoted to modern technologies and special machines in the automotive industry.
Students will acquire knowledge from the area of this subject.
Graduation of the subject KFY/FYZ.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Credit: Preparation and presentation of partial tasks on exercises, pass tests. Examination: Writen and oral.
Recommended literature
FAIRHURST, C. Advances in Apparel Production. Woodhead Publishing in Textiles, Number 69, Padstow England, 2008. ISBN 978 1 84569 295.
Hass, V. Oděvní stroje a zařízení I,II. Praha Informatorium, 2000.
HAVELKA, A., HALASOVÁ, A. Tepelné a vlhkotepelné tvarování v konfekci. TUL,Liberec, 2003. ISBN 80-7083-713-6.
Motejl, V. Stroje a zařízení v oděvní výrobě. SNTL Praha, 1984.
MOTEJL, V., TEPŘÍK, O. Šicí stroje v oděvní výrobě. SNTL Praha, 1974.
SHISHOO, R. Textile Advances in the Automotive Industry. Woodhead Publishing in Textiles, Number 79, Padstow England, 2008.
Šesták,J.,RIGER,F. Přenos hybnosti, tepla a hmoty. ČVUT FS, 2005.