Glombíková Viera, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures 1. Digital factory (DF) - key concept, field of DF interest. Definition of terms: simulation - system-model, types of simulation models, methods of modelling (analytical, simulating) 2. The structure of the simulation model: basic elements (entities, activities, sources) and their description. Classification of simulating models and their characterization. Simulation project - its phases: definition of the problem, preparation of the model, model testing - validation, verification, simulating experiment, analysis of the experiment and analysis of the results. Software for the discrete events simulation. 3. Queuing systems (QS) - principles, definition, types, methods of modelling. Examples of the simulation of queuing systems by Witness software. Utilization both random and pseudorandom numbers in the simulation model. Random number generators, their classification and operating principle. 4. Optimization of computer simulation I: introduction to optimization methods, evolutionary stochastic algorithms (Random solution, Hill Climb, Adaptive thermostatistical SA, etc.). 5. Design of the optimization model by means of the software Witness Lanner Group, modul Witness Experimenter. Virtual reality in the computer simulation. 6. Problems and specificity related to simulation of clothing production. Application of special engineering methods to improve and perfection of process (Kaizen, Kanban, PokaJoke, SixSigma, Theory of Constrains, etc.). 7. Trends in computer design of production systems, ergonomic simulation of production processes. Application of FEM (Finite element method) for the simulation of partial purposes, possibilities of the application for the apparel production. Practices Exercise programme follows the content of lectures. Students will acquire knowledge about basic and advanced functions of Witness system Laner Group. They will elaborate a practical simulation model according to the assignment (which solves some real problem of clothing production), verify its functionality and they propose optimization of the given problem using the Experimenter module within Witness software.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum, E-learning, Task-based study method
- Preparation for credit
- 35 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 60 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 50 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 23 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 16 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 42 hours per semester
- Preparation for formative assessments
- 20 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Students study basic concepts related to simulation and organization of production and non-production processes with the support of computer technology, theory of queues, construction of simulation model and application of pseudorandom numbers for definition of stochastic phenomena in simulation modelling (hill climb, adaptive thermostatistical SA, etc.) in this course. Last but not least, students will acquire knowledge about trends in computer design, modules for ergonomic simulations and the use of FEM methods to simulate partial problems occurring within the framework of ready-made production. Students verify their theoretical knowledge by working in the Witness system? Laner Group.
Students will acquire knowledge from the area of this subject.
Theoretical knowledge from the area of previous study.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Practical demonstration of acquired skills
Credit: participation in seminars (at least 80%), simulation training according to given simulation scenario by means of Witness environment, obtaining the required number of points from exercises (2 tests). Exam: Written + practical ( solving the given simulation problem by the Witness) + oral.
Recommended literature
Dlouhý, M., Fábry, J., Kuncová, M., Hladík, T. Simulace podnikových procesů. Computer Press, a.s. Brno, 2007.
GÜNAL, M. M., PIDD, M. Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care: a review of the literature. Journal of Simulation 4(1), 42-51, 2010.
HAVRILA, M. Počítačové projektovanie. Prešov:FVT TU, 2008. ISBN 978-80-553-0047-4.
HAVRILA, M. Tendencie v rozvoji počítačovej simulácie výrobných systémov. Manufacturing Engineering/Výrobné inžinierstvo. Prešov:FVT TU, 2008. ISBN 1335-7972.
Keřkovský, M. Moderní přístupy k řízení výroby. C. H. Beck Praha, 2001.
Kuneš, J. - Vavroch, O. - Franta, V. Základy modelování. SNTL Praha, 1989.
KŮS Z., GLOMBÍKOVÁ V., HALASOVÁ A. Simulace výrobních systémů. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2002. ISBN 80-7083-642-3.
KVASNIČKA V. A KOL. Evolučné algoritmy. STU, Bratislava, 2000.
LANNER Group Ltd. Learning WITNESS Book One - Manufacturing Performance Edition. Lulu.com, 2013. ISBN 978-1-291-47674-3.
MAREČEK, P. Virtuální simulace výroby aneb Digitální továrna. IT SYSTEMS 9/2006.
MOŠNA, J., PEŠEK, P. Systém hromadné obsluhy. Plzeň: ZČU, 2001.
MURRAY, Neil Gordon. Rational Process Design & Simulation Modeling with WITNESS Horizon. 2017. ISBN 978-1520620794.
Rábová, Z. - Češka, M. - Zendulka, J. Modelování a simulace. SNTL Praha, 1982.