Kůs Zdeněk, prof. Dr. Ing.
Wiener Jakub, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Komárková Petra, Ing. Ph.D.
Chaloupek Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Product engineering of clothing industry. 2. Machinery and equipment in clothing production. 3. Connecting and ironing process in clothing production. 4. CAD systems in apparel production. 5. Technical confection and automotive. 6. Characteristics of non-woven fabrics, methods of their production, application areas of nonwovens. 7. Polymers for the production of nonwoven fabrics and their properties, Binders for nonwovens production. 8. Preparation of fibrous layers. 9. Mechanical, thermal and chemical bonding methods of fibre layers. 10. Pre-treatment, finishing of blends, wetting, washing. 11. Dyeing. 12. Basic principles of printing, printing technologies. 13. Final finishing. 14. Repetition and consultation of subject matter. Laboratory: Courses follow the lectures and explained and practised in laboratories and workshops. 1st week: Introduction, laboratory rules. 2nd - 5th weeks: Clothing technology. Demonstration of measuring equipment of clothing comfort in laboratory and demonstration of machinery in the sewing workshop related to clothing technology. Demonstration of the utility properties evaluation method of clothes with appropriate test equipment. Presentation of embroidery design and creation, practical demonstration of conventional method of joining - sewing machine seam and unconventional joining by ultrasound. Preparation of pattern construction for making the clothing product. Production of clothing product with embroidery application in the sewing workshop. Analysis of clothing product in terms of used clothing technology (stitches, seams). At the end, students present their knowledge of clothing technology by the form of completed partial tasks according to the assignment. 6th - 9th weeks: Nonwoven technology. Practical courses and excursions in pilot plant of the Department of Nonwovens and Nanofibrous Materials - needlepunch line, meltblown technology, production of nanofibres by electrospinning, visit a tissue laboratory. 10th - 13th weeks: Textile finishing. Practical demonstration of basic finishing operations, dyeing, printing and merceration. Laboratory of laser - pattern laser burning. 14th week: Credit test. Granting credits.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work, Lecture, Practicum
- Home preparation for classes
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for laboratory testing; outcome analysis
- 25 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 15 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 25 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
In the course students are informed about technology of textile finishing, nonwovens and clothing. This course provides students with a good basis for understanding textile technologies and enables students to develop further in related subjects.
Knowledge lectured subject
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Credit: Active participation in seminars, elaboration of tasks. Exam: Written. In the case of restrictions of direct teaching (online or hybrid teaching), students will be informed in time about the method of further teaching. Credit: Participation in online seminars, elaboration of tasks. Exam: Written by online form.
Recommended literature
BABU, R. V. Industrial Engineering in Apparel Production. Woodhead Publishing India, 2011. ISBN 9780857091079.
BATRA, S. K., POURDEYHIMI,B. Introduction to nonwovens technology. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, 2012. ISBN 978-1-60595-037-2.
Dembický J., Kryštůfek J., Machaňová D., Odvárka J., Prášil M., Wiener J. Zušlechťování textilií. TU Liberec, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7372-321-7.
DOSTALOVÁ, M., KŘIVÁNKOVÁ, M. Základy textilní a oděvní výroby, skripta TU. Liberec, 2004. ISBN 80 7083 831 0.
EBERLE,H. Clothing technology. Europa Lehrmittel Verlag, 2008. ISBN 13: 978- 38085622.
CHOUDHURY, A.K.R. . Principles of Textile Finishing (The Textile Institute Boook Series). Woodhead Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9780081006467.
Jirsák O., Kalinová K. Výroba netkaných textilií. Liberec, 2003. ISBN 80-7083-511-7.
JIRSÁK, O., WADSWORTH, L.C. Nonwoven Textiles. Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC, 1999.
Rouette H., K. Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing. Springer, 2002.
SCHINDLER, W. D., HAUSER P.J. Chemical finishing of textiles. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2004. ISBN 0-8493-2825-X.
ZOUHAROVÁ, J. Výroba oděvů I. díl. skriptum TU Liberec, 2004. ISBN 80-7083-781-0.
ZOUHAROVÁ, J. Výroba oděvů II. díl. skriptum TU Liberec, 2004. ISBN 80-7083-782-9.