Mazari Adnan Ahmed, Ing. Ph.D.
Zelová Katarína, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Introduction. The importance, history and function of clothing. 2. Clothing materials. Requirements of users and manufacturers for clothing materials. 3. Clothing materials. Types of clothing materials. Sewing threads, their types, properties and parameters. 4. Product engineering. Principal tasks and goals of product engineering, units of product engineering, individual parts of technical preparation of production. 5. Pattern construction. Somatometry and body proportions. Sizing systems. The basics of pattern construction. 6. Pattern laying planning and marker making. CAD systems in the clothing production, the pattern creation and modification. Clothing visualization. 7. Separation of fabrics. Spreading methods. Forms of spreading. Conventional and unconventional methods of separation. Cutting methods. 8. Fusing. Fusing conditions, interlining, equipment and methods for fusing, quality control of fused assemblies. 9. Sewing process, basic sewing principles, stitch formation. Types of stitches and seams, their characteristics. Proposing of fit stitch and seam for selected clothing: eg. functional underwear, underwear, shirts, pants, shirt, etc. 10. Sewing machines, machine types. Sewing machine parts, part of stitch formation, mechanisms. Special sewing machine. Types of sewing machines. Unconventional joining methods. The basic principles of welding, its advantages and disadvantages, welding machines. 11. Pressing process. Pressing and forming of clothing materials. Equipment and methods for pressing. 12. Technology of clothing production. 13. Materials transport system. The importance of the interaction transport, the system of interaction transport. 14. Organization of clothing manufacture, organization in separating and sewing process. Practice: Introduction, program of exercises, conditions of work in laboratories, conditions for obtaining credit. Manufacturing process in clothing production. Characteristics of clothing materials, analysis of clothing materials and sewing threads. Measurement of basic body size, determining the size of clothing according to different sizing systems - practical exercises. Manual pattern construction of women's skirts - practical exercises. The pattern pieces are constructed. Making a lay plan. Types of lay plan. Orientation and direction of the pattern pieces - practical exercises. Marker making - calculate marker efficiency - practical exercises. Spreading, forms of spreading - practical exercises. Fusing. Fusing conditions - practical exercises. Sewing process and types of stitches. Sewing needles, characteristics and terminology, needle sizes, stitch types, schematic symbol of stitch, seam appearance, features and uses. Seam. ISO symbol, typical stitch types, stitch symbol, seam designation. Seam types, location in the garment. Credit test Credit
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Laboratory work, Lecture, Practicum, E-learning
- Preparation for exam
- 46 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 28 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 20 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Students will learn the basics of the producing process of clothing in the subject of Clothing production, which is one of the basic knowledge needed for practice. An objective is to provide the students with the necessary basic knowledge of clothing materials to the production of clothing. Students will study the significance and function of clothing material in clothing production, organizational structure and productions steps. They will learn the basics of somatometry, sizing system, pattern construction document and CAD systems in clothing production. Students will receive a comprehensive overview of industrial clothing production and organization of the production process.
Basic knowledges and survey from the area of clothing production.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Written exam
Credit: Passing the exercises. Elaboration of a laboratory works and their proving. Passing the credit test - min 60 %. Examination: written + oral
Recommended literature
CARR, H., LATHAN, B. Carr and Latham's technology of clothing manifacture. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4051-6198-5.
EBERLE,H. Clothing technology. Europa Lehrmittel Verlag, 2008. ISBN 13: 978- 38085622.
HAAS, V. Oděvní stroje a zařízení. Praha: SNTL, 2000. ISBN 80-86073-572.
Hamžík, P., Galusek, D. Oděvní názvosloví. SNTL Praha, 1986.
Havelka, A., Halasová, A. Tepelné a vlhkotepelné tvarování v konfekci. TUL, 2003.
MOTEJL, V. Stroje a zařízení v oděvní výrobě. 1. čes. vyd. Praha: SNTL, 1984.
Růžičková, D. Oděvní materiály. skriptum TUL, 2003.
ZOUHAROVÁ, J. Výroba oděvů I. díl. skriptum TU Liberec, 2004. ISBN 80-7083-781-0.
ZOUHAROVÁ, J. Výroba oděvů II. díl. skriptum TU Liberec, 2004. ISBN 80-7083-782-9.