Krupincová Gabriela, Ing. Ph.D., Ing.Paed.IGIP
Vyšanská Monika, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Various approaches to evaluation of textile structures. System of International Standards and Internal Standards. Special methodologies with using image analysis. 2. Basic procedures related to experimental structure analysis by using NIS Elements Image Analysis (definition of image, basic types of images and possibilities of acquiring images, colour image, binary image and fundamentals of mathematical morphology). 3. Relation among yarn count, yarn twist, twist coefficient, yarn diameter, yarn unevenness, hairiness, mechanical properties of yarn and technology of yarn production, Uster Statistic I. 4. Relation among yarn count, yarn twist, twist coefficient, yarn diameter, yarn unevenness, hairiness, mechanical properties of yarn and technology of yarn production, Uster Statistic II. 5. The evaluation of the internal structure of yarns - tracer fibre technique. 6. The evaluation of the internal structure of yarns - oblique yarn cross-section analysis. 7. The character of yarn structure - yarn hairiness. 8. The character of surface yarn structure - belt fibers of open end spun yarn. 9. Character of fancy and hybrid yarns - determination of selected quality characteristics I.. 10. Character of fancy and hybrid yarns - determination of selected quality characteristics II.. 11. Yarn quality in relation to the final product - yarn friction and abrasion. 12. Yarn quality in relation to the final product - repeated use of textile fibers for yarns production. 13. Ropes - basic types, basic qualitative indicators and the approaches and procedures for their evaluation. Practices: Content of practise follows the lectures and are organized in specially equipped laboratories. 1. Introduction to the practices - safety rules. Conditions for successful completion of the subject. Project assignment, system of standards, access to the preparation of the bibliography search, databases. 2. Introduction to IA, demonstrations of different types of measurement, calibration, basic settings, scanning. 3. Relation among yarn count, yarn twist, twist coefficient, yarn diameter, yarn unevenness, hairiness, mechanical properties of yarn and technology of yarn production, Uster Statistic. 4. The evaluation of the internal structure of yarns - tracer fibre technique. 5. The evaluation of the internal structure of yarns - oblique yarn cross-section analysis. 6. The character of yarn structure - yarn hairiness. 7. The character of surface yarn structure - belt fibers of open end spun yarn. 8. Character of fancy and hybrid yarns - determination of selected quality characteristics I. 9. Character of fancy and hybrid yarns - determination of selected quality characteristics II. 10. Yarn quality in relation to the final product - yarn friction and abrasion. 11. Yarn quality in relation to the final product - repeated use of textile fibers for yarns production. 12. Ropes - basic types, basic qualitative indicators and the approaches and procedures for their evaluation. 13. Processing and presentation of projects. Final evaluation.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Written assignment presentation and defence, Demonstration, Project teaching, Laboratory work, Independent creative and artistic activities, Group consultation, Individual consultation, Practicum, Seminár, E-learning, Students' self-study
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Preparation for laboratory testing; outcome analysis
- 28 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report)
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 48 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 28 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Within the course the students will be introduced to experimental analysis of textile structures. The aim of the subject is to connect the theoretical base with the practical use, to allow a better understanding of the influence of yarn character given by the spinning technology described by evaluated parameters on the quality of final product. The students will be familiarised with basic procedures for testing of selected yarn and fabrics qualitative indicators and processing acquired data using IA. The course follows the knowledge of the subjects Textile Technology I, Structure and Properties of Textiles, Experimental Analysis of Structures from the Bachelor's Study Program. The course builds on the context of the subject Structure of Fibrous Structures from the master study program.
Students get acquainted with the basic principles of textile structures evaluation by using a system of national and international standards including internal standards in laboratories. The combination of theoretical contexts from multiple subjects is applied to selected topics of textile product quality assessment, which will allow the interconnection and facilitate understanding of the theoretical base. Students will deepen the skills related to the preparation, realization and presentation of projects, including the processing of the bibliography search.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Presentation of group work, Presentation of student research activity
Credit: Active participation in practice, handing over of projects reports in direct or distance study form. Exam: oral by written preparation.
Recommended literature
Návody na cvičení. Dostupné na https://elearning.tul.cz/.
Soubor českých přednášek na https://elearning.tul.cz/.
Kolektiv autorů. Interní normy. Výzkumné centrum Textil 2004. Fakulta Textilní Technická univerzita v Liberci.. Liberec: Výzkumné centrum Textil, Fakulta textilní, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2004.
Laboratory Imaging. Manuál NIS-Elements, verze 3.10. 2010.
LORD, P. R. Handbook of yarn production. 1st Edition. Woodhead Publishing, 2003. ISBN 978185736962.
NECKÁŘ, B. Příze. Tvorba, struktura, vlastnosti. Praha: SNTL Praha, 1990. ISBN 80-03-00213-3.
RUSS, J. C., RUSS, J. CH. Introduction to image processing and analysis. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8493-7073-1.
SEERA, J. Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology. London: Academic Press, 1983. ISBN 978-0126372403.