Moučková Eva, Ing. Ph.D.
Jirásková Petra, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Introduction to spinning technology - repeating the principle of yarn production, basic spinning processes - opening, attenuation, consolidation. The count of plied yarn. Definition of the term: draft ratio, productivity and possibilites of their calculation. 2. Yarn Production Technologies. Basic technological processes of yarn production with respect to the processed material (cotton, wool, man-made fibers and mixtures). 3. Overview and definitions of the most important yarn properties in terms of spinning technology. Introduction to yarn mass irregularity - causes of formation. Basic parameters of mass irregularity. The importance of mass irregularity in spinning technology. Basic principles of ensuring the mass evenness of linear fibrous assemblies. 4. Preparation of the material for spinning - opening, cleaning, mixing (blending) with respect to the processed raw material. Concept of opening, cleaning and mixing machines. The composition of the blowroom. 5. Carding in woolen/worsted and cotton spinning technology, the current concept of carding machines. Card clothing. Selected process variables of the carding machine and their impact on the quality of the sliver. 6. Doubling and drawing - Importance of operation in staple spun yarn technology. Concept of drawing machine for cotton and wool fibres. Drafting devices. Selected process variables of the drawframes and their influence on the quality of the sliver. 7. Importance of preparation for combing in yarn spinning technology. Cotton and wool combing technology. Selected process variables of the combing machine and their influence on the quality of the sliver. 8. Preparation of sliver using tow-to-top converters. The top formation on the stretch-breaking and tow-to -top converters. 9. Roving forming in cotton and worsted/woolen spinning technology. Concept of flyer frame, roving assortments. Drafting device of roving forming machines. Basic machine- technological parameters that influence the parameters of the roving and the possibility of adjusting them. 10. Spinning on the ring spinning machines. Concept of ring spinning machines. The most important machine-technology variables and possibilities of their adjustment. Spinning on the compact spinning machines. 11. Spinning on rotor spinning machines. Concept of rotor spinning machines. The most important machine-technology parameters influencing yarn parameters and possibilities of their adjustment. 12. Basic distribution of unconventional spinning machines. Principle of yarn production on the air- jet spinning machine and spinning machines Dref 2000. 13. Finishing operations (winding, assembling). Twisting technology. Practices: 1. Introduction - work-safety. Input test - Identification of linear fibrous assemblies in terms of their construction.. 2. Calculation the twisted yarn count and twist-take-up. 3. Calculation of drat ration and productivity of spinning machines. 4. Calculation of selected parameters of mass irregularity of slivers, roving, and yarns. 9. Spinning plan. Project assignment - the analysis of presented yarn, compilation of the technological process of spinning and spinning plan for production of this yarn. 6.- 8. Excursion to a spinning mill 9. Repetition - a practical demonstration of the card machine. Video and simulation of the carding and combing process. 10. Control test of knowledge 11. Ring spinning machine - practical demonstration of its work. Example of adjustment of the setting of spinning machine, verification of parameters of the spun yarn. 12. Rotor spinning machine - practical demonstration. Possibilities of adjustment of the rotor spinning machine. Comparison of properties of ring and rotor yarns. 13. Twisting, practical demonstration of selected principles of twisting. Possibilities of adjustment of the twisting machine. 14. Defense of the project.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Demonstration, Project teaching, Group consultation, Individual consultation, Lecture, Practicum, Students' portfolio
- Class attendance
- 56 hours per semester
- Fieldtrips
- 6 hours per semester
- Presentation preparation (report)
- 10 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 15 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 40 hours per semester
- Home preparation for classes
- 20 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course follows the basic subject Textile Technology I. In this course, students will improve knowledge of the yarn manufacturing. There are discussed individual technological stages of the yarn (opening, cleaning, blending, carding, doubling and drawing, combing, converter technology, roving production, ring spinning, rotor spinning, air jet spining and twisting). Selected unconventional yarns are mentioned. The influence of individual technological levels on the properties of the final product is briefly analyzed. It is refered to the selected basic technological parameters of the machines and their influence on the quality of the final product.
The student has an overview of staple yarn spinning technologies, purpose of individual spinning processes, principles of used machinery. Student is able to do basic calculations in area of staple yarn spinning.
Basic knowledge of mathematics and mechanics, knowledge from subject: Textile technology I.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination, Interview, Presentation of group work
Direct teaching: Credit: Active participation in practices and lectures, successful passing the test of knowledge during the semester, elaboration and defense of the project. Exam: oral Lectures are compulsory. Online teaching: Credit: submission of all assigned tasks (and, if required, corrections of tasks) within self-study for exercises, submission of assigned and correctly prepared semester work by May 28, 2021until the end of teaching in the summer semester given by the Teaching Schedule. After this term the work will not be accepted and the student must register the subject next year. Exam: oral
Recommended literature
Soubor českých přednášek na https://elearning.tul.cz/.
RICHARD, R.T.D., SYKES, A.B. Wollen yarn manufacture. Manual of Textile Technology.. Manchester: The Textile Institute, 1994. ISBN 1 870812 18 2.
URSÍNY, P. Předení I. 2.vydání. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2006. ISBN 80-7272-077-9.
URSÍNY, P. Předení II., skriptum TUL, 2.vydání. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7372-438-2.
VAVERKA, J., MACHUTA, K., RYBNÍKÁŘ, J. Teorie a praxe předení ve vlnařském průmyslu, Česaná příze.. Praha: SNTL, 1990. ISBN 80-03-00133-1.