Course: Introduction to Mechanics

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Course title Introduction to Mechanics
Course code KTT/UME
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Čapek Lukáš, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Kolčava Luděk, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Notations in mechanics, mathematical background 2. Vector of force. 3. Equilibrium of forces. 4. Friction force. 5. Notation of displacement, strain and stress. 6. Constitutive equation. 7. Tension stress tensor. 8. Shear stress tensor. 9. Bending stress. 10. Yield criterion. 11. Viscoelasticity of material. 12. Fatigue of materials. 13. Trends in mechanics. 14. Trends in mechanics. Practises: 1. Vectors and matrix. 2. Mathematical operations of vector- force. 3. Equilibrium of force. 4. Friction force tasks. 5. Friction force tasks. 6. Tensional loading. 7. Tension - experiment. 8. Shear loading. 9. Bending loading. 10. Bending loading - experiment. 11. Multiaxial type of loading. 12. Multiaxial type of loading - experiment. 13. Trends in mechanics - experiment. 14. Trends in mechanics - experiment.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monological explanation (lecture, presentation,briefing), Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Laboratory work, Lecture, Practicum
  • Class attendance - 56 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 45 hours per semester
  • Preparation for exam - 45 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The following course introduce to students the base of solid mechanics with accent to textile structures. The course brings to student fundamental terms and knowledge from mechanics, that are applied to textile applications. Apart from basic concept of mechanics, the course opens door more complex phenomena as fatigue mechanics and viscoelasticity. The end of the course is focused on trendy applications in mechanics.
Basic knowledge of mechanics aimed to textile engineering.
High school mathematical background.

Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination

Credit: completion of practical exercises Exam: Written part
Recommended literature
  • JULIŠ, K., BREPTA, R. a kol. Mechanika I. díl. Statika a kinematika. 1. vyd.. Praha: SNTL, 1987. ISBN 04-224-86.
  • TREBUŇA, F., SIMČÁK, F. Pružnosť, pevnosť a plastickosť v príkladoch. Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2017. ISBN 9788080732776.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester