Vlachynská Petra, MgA. Ph.D.
Stolín Jan, doc. M.A.
Course content
In the time of unnatural field isolation, the object of interest is to return the fields that historically solved the area of the municipalities and the landscape, back to themselves and try to bring them to the skills and knowledge that this activity now requires. This is mainly about architecture, sculpture, other fine arts, design, landscaping, transport engineering, but also areas related to the solution of the living space. Student projects show the inspirational complexity and richness of this discipline.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Art has undergone a rapid development of forms during the 20th century; it uses a wide variety of media. This is gradually being reflected in official art in public space, whose importance has been increasing since the 1950s. The systematic promotion of art in public space is becoming a part of the policies of cities and states. The spread of art in public space activates a critical reflection among theoreticians, artists, and architects. The course focuses on a comprehensive grasp of the issue of creation in public space. The main aim of the course is to outline the development of overlaps between art, urbanism, architecture, cultural policy, and social themes during the 20th and 21st centuries, with an emphasis on critical theory. Attention will be paid both to the historical development in an interdisciplinary context and to some current problems and tendencies. Through semestral tasks, the aesthetic-spatial, political and social aspects of working with public space will be discussed together with an emphasis on the architectural and urban context. The course includes lectures, meetings with guests, art walks in Liberec and Prague, and presentations of students' individual works.
Assessment methods and criteria
Combined examination
Regular attendance at lectures and excursions, unassisted elaboration of public space design at recommended or selected locations, two consultations with lecturer during the semester.
Recommended literature
Alberti, J.B.:. Deset knih o stavitelství. SNTL Praha, 1956.
Alexander, A., Blake, S.:. Institutional Critique. An Antrology of Artists´Writing. Cambridge, 2009.
Bartlová, A.:. Manuál Monumentu. Praha UMPRUM, 2016.
Carmona, M.:. Public Spaces Urban Places. Oxon Routledge, 2011.
Cartiere, C., Willis, S.:. The Practice of Public. New York, Routledge, 2008.
Císař, K.:. Stav věci. Dům umění města Brna, 2011.
Ghel, J.:. Život mezi budovami. Brno Nadace Partnerství, 2000.
Hildebrant, A.:. Problém formy ve výtvarném umění. Praha Triáda, 2004.
Hirsch, N., Miessen, M.:. Critical Spatial Practice #01 - What Is Critical Spatial Practice?. (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2012.
Jehlík, J.:. Rukověť urbanismu. Praha Ausdruck Books, 2016. ISBN 978-80-260-9558-3.
Karous, P.:. Vetřelci a volavky. Praha Arbor Vitae, 2013.
Mitášová, M.:. Oxymorón a pleonasmus.
Raugin, G., Gene, R.:. Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique..