The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the development of cultural landscape, the relationship of man to landscape and environment, history and principles of garden and landscape creation and their reflection in fine art, so that they can use this basis in their own creative activities. Lectures will mention basic shape and compositional principles in garden and landscape architecture, framework species composition suitable for individual functions, specific tasks for different locations. At the same time the student will learn to read in the field's plan documentation and will know the relevant legislation. This knowledge will be interconnected with the perception and depiction of landscape and nature in the history of fine arts and their thematization in contemporary art. Lecture topics: The genesis of cultural landscape, the formation of landscape and environment by human activity Landscape functions (ecological stability, biodiversity, landscape character, etc.) Landscape planning and its tasks, care of a landscape, historical greenery and its structures Vegetation elements in a cultural landscape. Fundamentals of floristry Specific types of greenery in cities. History of garden architecture, shape and composition principles, frame species composition, important localities, architects. Current trends in landscape and garden architecture, examples of good and bad practice (incl. excursions) Designing, project documentation, relevant legislation Landscape and nature in fine arts - history (changes in the perception of landscape and nature and their depiction from the 14th to the 19th century) Landscape and nature in visual arts - present (20th and 21st centuries)
Bárta, F.:. Krajina v České republice. Praha, 2007.
Hurych, V. Tvorba zeleně: sadovnictví- krajinářství. Mělník, 2011.
Málek, Z., Horáček, P., Kiesenbauer, Z.:. Stromy pro sídla a krajinu. Olomouc, 2012.
Mareček, J. Krajinářská architektura venkovských sídel. Praha, 2005.
Otruba, I. Krásy anglických zahrad. Brno, 2005.
Otruba, I. Krásy francouzských zahrad. Brno, 2010.
Otruba, I. Krásy italských zahrad. Brno, 2003.
Otruba, I.:. Zahradní architektura, tvorba zahrad a parků. Šlapanice, 2002.
Rackham, O.:. The history of the countryside. London, 1997.
Šonský, D. Moderní zahrady. Brno, 2009.