Course: Outdoor fitness exercises

» List of faculties » FZS » KTV
Course title Outdoor fitness exercises
Course code KTV/KCP
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements Course does not contain work placement
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kuprová Klára, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Seminars: 1. Introduction to the subject, entrance test of physical condition. 2. Walking in the terrain (flat terrain), the use of terrain for the development of acceleration. 3. Walking in the terrain (wavy terrain), the use of terrain for the development of speed. The development of outdoor orientation. 4. Walking in the terrain (hilly terrain), the use of terrain for the development of strength and endurance. 5. The practice of nordic walking, correct technique, the use of the sticks for a warm-up including stretching. Coordination exercise outdoor. 6. Nordic walking, correct technique of walking, the use of the sticks for the development of flexibility and strength. 7. Nordic walking, correct technique of walking according to the slope angle. The development of strength abilities with the use of workout field. 8. Running in the terrain (flat terrain), technique of running. Focus on the technique of running and the use of breathing. 9. Running in terrain (wavy terrain). Focus on the orientational outdoor games. 10. Running in terrain (wavy terrain). Focus on the development of strength abilities. 11. Nordic running. Games and outdoor exercises. 12. Nordic running. Imitation exercises both with and without the sticks. 13. Rise and descent from the peak with the vertical distance of 300 m. 14. The fulfillment of credit requirements.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Motoric and practical working skills training
  • Class attendance - 28 hours per semester
  • Preparation for credit - 20 hours per semester
  • Home preparation for classes - 32 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
Students will be introduced to basic outdoor movement and simultaneously, they will develop their motoric abilities by means of natural movement (walking or running) or with the help of toning and stretching exercises outside. Students will also learn the basic principles of nordic walking in terrain (nordic walking/running).
Students received special competences as per curriculum of accredited specialisation.
Elementary movement skills corresponding to the age characteristics of the student.

Assessment methods and criteria
Practical demonstration of acquired skills

Course credit requirements: Active participation at the seminars, the fulfillment of the assigned limits of walking, of nordic walking, running and rise and descent in a hilly terrain.
Recommended literature
  • JEBAVÝ, R., KOVÁŘOVÁ, L., HORČIC, J. Kondiční příprava. Praha: Mladá Fronta, 2019. ISBN 978-80-204-5322-8.
  • KIRCHER, J., LOUKA, O., HNÍZDIL, J. Kondiční hry a cvičení v přírodě. Praha: Grada, 2005. ISBN 978-247-6154-1.
  • KŮTEK, M. Nordic Running - Běh s holemi jako zdravější a efektivnější způsob běhání. Praha: Smart Press, 2016. ISBN 978-80-87049-88-4.
  • ŠLECHTA, P., KUPROVÁ, K. Nordic walking. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7497-347-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester