1. Introduction to genetics, history, fields of genetics 2. Basic concepts (gene, gene locus, genome, genotype, phenotype, allele, dominance, recessiveness, homozygote, heterozygote) 3. Mendel's laws 4. Gene interactions (intraallelic, interallelic, duplicate interactions, inheritance of quantitative traits, pleiotropy) 5. Gene linkage (Morgan's laws, crossing-over, linkage phases, linkage strength, gene mapping) 6. Genetic aspects of division (Cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis, sex-linked inheritance) 7. Cytological foundations of heredity (chromosome, karyotype, chromosomal sex determination) 8. Molecular foundations of heredity (structure of nucleic acids, chromatin, NK types, central dogma) 9. From information to phenotype (replication, transcription, translation, genetic code, differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems) 10. Gene expression and its regulation at the level of transcription, post-transcription, translation and post-translation 11. Extranuclear inheritance, transmission of hereditary information 12. Fundamentals of population genetics - allogamous and autogamous populations, Hardy-Weinberg law, genetic drift 13. Mutation and mutagenesis - gene, chromosomal and genomic mutations, molecular nature of mutations, mutagens, repair of damaged DNA. 14. Methods of molecular genetics - DNA isolation, PCR, qPCR, genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, sequencing, molecular cloning, model organisms in molecular biology
Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Lecture, Practicum
- Class attendance
- 42 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 30 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 40 hours per semester
- Class attendance
- 12 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 40 hours per semester
- Preparation for exam
- 60 hours per semester
Kočárek E. Genetika. Scientia, 2005.
KOČOVÁ M., NOVÁKOVÁ M. Vybrané úlohy ke cvičením z genetiky. Karolinum, Praha, 1997.
SNUSTAD D.P., SIMMONS M.J. Genetika (český překlad). Masarykova univerzita Brno, 2017.
ZÁVODSKÁ R. Biologie buněk. Scientia, 2006.