Discovery of the soul in archaic Greek thinking, Plato and his teaching about the soul, therapy of the soul (Socrates, Stoics), later development of the soul-therapy in modernity (Kierkegaard, Freud, Patočka, Foucault). 1. Discovery of the soul in Homer, archaic view of body und immortality. 2. The first concept of soul in Pythagoras, Heraclite and truth as aletheia. 3. Therapy of the soul in the Greek tragedy. 4. Plato and the therapy of the soul. 5. The transformation of the therapy in the teaching of Stoa. 6. Birth of spiritual exercises as individual therapy. 7. Birth of free-will problem in late Aristotelism und Platonism. 8. Consolation of the philosophy and modern initiation into wisdom (Boethius). 9. Sickness to death and existential concept of soul-therapy (Kierkegaard). 10. Civilisation and its discontents (Unbehagen in Kultur) and new way of soul-therapy (Nietzsche, Freud). 11. The "technique de soi" as postmodern heritage of Stoics (Foucault). 12. The care of the soul as meaningful life in the history (Patočka). 13. Individual facing death as ultimate challenge (Derrida). 14. Summary.
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