Johnová Jana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kubištová Máčiková Adriana, MgA. Ph.D.
Course content
Thematic areas: 1. Theater and drama as principles of art, life and education. 2. Relationship between theater and drama. 3. Objectives of the field of aesthetics and education within the sphere of personal and social education. 4. Different forms and levels of role playing in fictitious dramatic situations. 5. Use of games in dramatic education. 6. Methods and techniques of dramatic and theatrical education (nonverbal, verbal, using elements of other arts). 7. Structured drama. 8. Using music, developing movement. 9. Reflection as an integral part of dramatic education. 10. Methods and techniques of learning process management through dramatic / theater education methods (with emphasis on reflection). 11. Use of literary texts in dramatic education. 12. Relation of theater / drama education to further education (global, multicultural, personal and social, environmental, media, etc.). 13. Students' own output.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogue metods(conversation,discussion,brainstorming), Self-study (text study, reading, problematic tasks, practical tasks, experiments, research, written assignments), Active metods (simulation, situational contingency methods, drama,acting, namagerial acting )
- Class attendance
- 28 hours per semester
- Semestral paper
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for credit
- 12 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The subject is conceived as practical. Its aim is to introduce students to drama and theater education in order to acquire knowledge about the field including fundamental practical skills for implementing methods and techniques of drama education in the teaching of various subjects at primary school.
Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field.
General orientation in the subject.
Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation of artistic and creative activities, Systematické pozorování studenta
Active engagement in drama education activities,group presentation. The course is held in Czech language, the requirements are stated in the Czech version.
Recommended literature
BLÁHOVÁ, K.. Uvedení do systému školní dramatiky. Praha, 1996. ISBN 80-7068-070-9.
KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S.. Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy.. Praha, 1998. ISBN 80-7184-756-9.
MACHKOVÁ, E.. Metodika dramatické výchovy.. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7068-250-0.
MACHKOVÁ, E.. Úvod do studia dramatické výchovy.. Praha, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7068-207-4.
MORGANOVÁ, N.,SAXTONOVÁ, J.. Vyučování dramatu. Praha, 2001. ISBN 80-901660-2-4.
VALENTA, J.. Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy.. Praha, 1998. ISBN 80-86106-02-0.
WAY,B. Rozvoj osobnosti dramatickou improvizací. Praha, 1996. ISBN 80-901660-2-4.